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A key ingredient in forming a potentially habitable planet! Abundant organic molecules detected around baby stars | Science and Technology News | LINE TODAY

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A key ingredient in forming a potentially habitable planet! Abundant organic molecules detected around baby stars | Science and Technology News | LINE TODAY

NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Detects Organic Molecules Around Young Protostars

Are the elements crucial to the formation of life on Earth also present throughout the universe? Recent observations by NASA’s Webb Space Telescope may hold the key to answering this age-old question.

Stars and planets are born from clouds of gas and dust that contain a variety of chemical elements and compounds left behind by previous stellar explosions. Scientists have long been intrigued by the presence of complex organic molecules (COM) in space and their origins.

The Webb Space Telescope’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) recently identified a range of organic molecules in interstellar ice around two young protostars, IRAS 23385 and IRAS 2A. These molecules include methane, formic acid, sulfur dioxide, and formaldehyde, as well as more complex compounds like acetic acid and ethanol.

The detection of these key ingredients in forming potentially habitable worlds is significant, as they could provide insights into the early stages of planetary system development. While there are currently no signs of planets forming around these protostars, NASA noted that IRAS 2A, in particular, may be in a stage similar to that of the early solar system, offering valuable insights into our own cosmic origins.

By studying the chemicals present in these protostellar systems, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of how planets, comets, and asteroids form and evolve over time. The discovery of organic molecules in interstellar ice around these young stars opens up new possibilities for unraveling the mysteries of the universe and the potential for life beyond Earth.

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(Image source: European Space Agency)

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