Home » At what exact time will we be able to witness Comet Diablo during the Solar Eclipse?

At what exact time will we be able to witness Comet Diablo during the Solar Eclipse?

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At what exact time will we be able to witness Comet Diablo during the Solar Eclipse?

Mexico is on the verge of witnessing a rare and spectacular astronomical event – the conjunction of a Total Solar Eclipse and the presence of Comet Diablo. This unique occurrence is set to captivate sky gazers and astronomy enthusiasts alike, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The Total Solar Eclipse of 2024 is scheduled to take place on April 8, with Mexico being the main stage for this extraordinary celestial show. Lucky spectators will be enveloped in complete darkness for a mesmerizing four and a half minutes as the Moon obscures the light of the Sun. This phenomenon, which won’t be fully repeated until 2052, promises a moment of awe as certain regions of the country are plunged into impressive darkness.

Adding to the cosmic spectacle is the elusive Comet Diablo, also known as 12P/Pons-Brooks. This comet, with appearances spaced over seven decades, is set to make its closest approach to the Sun on April 21. However, its brightness has already been visible in the weeks leading up to the event, with experts suggesting it may even grace the Mexican sky during the Total Solar Eclipse itself, providing a double celestial treat for onlookers.

During the Total Solar Eclipse, scheduled to begin at 1:53 p.m. (local time) and lasting for 4 minutes and 26 seconds, observers will have the fleeting opportunity to witness Comet Diablo in full splendor while the country is shrouded in darkness. This brief but unforgettable moment promises to enrich the astronomical experience and leave a lasting impression on all who witness it.

As anticipation builds for this cosmic convergence, all eyes are on Comet Diablo and its increasing brightness, fueling expectations for its appearance during the Total Solar Eclipse. With clear skies and favorable atmospheric conditions, spectators are poised for a celestial spectacle that promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.

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