Home » Because Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish’s songs could disappear on TikTok

Because Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish’s songs could disappear on TikTok

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Because Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish’s songs could disappear on TikTok

The one between TikTok and the music it is a very solid, effective and mutually satisfying relationship: often all it takes is the right song to determine the success of a video (to make it go viral, as they say), there were catchphrases linked precisely to a song o to a specific melody and there are too songs from the past that have returned in vogue thanks to TikTok.

However, this partnership risks breaking down, because Universal Music has threatened to pull all of its music from TikTok starting February 1st. After that date, songs by hugely successful singers, such as Taylor SwiftBillie Eilish e Drakemay no longer be available on the ByteDance social network.

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twitter: Universal’s tweet on the issue

Universal vs TikTok, exchange of accusations

As explained by Universal in an open letter (this)the points of contention would be mainly 3: i fees intended for artists for the use of their music, the protection against the abuse of artificial intelligence also in the musical field and an unspecified “safety of TikTok users.”

The two companies had signed an agreement in 2021, according to which Universal allowed TikTok to use the songs to which it holds the rights in exchange for financial compensation. Which according to the record company would no longer be sufficient: “TikTok tried to force us (the verb used is bully, ed.) to accept an agreement of a lower value than the previous one, much lower than the fair market value and which does not reflect the exponential growth” of the artists.

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The response from the social network was not long in coming, and in its tones it reflects the enormous weight and the strength that TikTok has now acquired compared to a few years ago: “It’s sad and that Universal Music has put its before greed to the interests of artists and songwriters – we read in a statement – Despite the false narrative and Universal’s rhetoric, the truth is that they have chosen to abandon a platform with over a billion users that functions as a promotional and free talent discovery vehicle.” More: “TikTok has managed to reach agreements with every other record company that put artists first. Clearly, the Universal’s selfish actions they are not serving the interests of artists, songwriters and fans.”

This It’s obviously not the first time in which social networks and music rights holders find themselves discussing (even if not in these tones): in 2023 there was the long confrontation between Siae and Meta for music posted on Instagram and Facebook and also the negotiations started by Google with Universal for music produced with artificial intelligence.

In this specific case, it remains to be seen who will prevail, whether a meeting point will be reached and whether February 11th the music that will accompany the American football Super Bowl on TikTok it could be Taylor Swift’s or not. Is it more the ByteDance social network that needs Universal or vice versa?


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