Home » Exploring New and Familiar Worlds in Star Wars Outlaws: From the African Savannah to Tatooine’s Watering Hole

Exploring New and Familiar Worlds in Star Wars Outlaws: From the African Savannah to Tatooine’s Watering Hole

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Exploring New and Familiar Worlds in Star Wars Outlaws: From the African Savannah to Tatooine’s Watering Hole

Title: “Star Wars Outlaws: New Locations and Exciting Gameplay Details Unveiled at Comic-Con”

Subtitle: “Fans can expect familiar yet fresh environments and the ability to make game-changing decisions”

Date: [Current Date]

By: [Your Name, Reporter]

[Location] – Star Wars fans were in for a treat at the recent Comic-Con in San Diego, as new and exciting details about the highly anticipated game Star Wars Outlaws were revealed. The game’s director, Julian Gerighty, provided insight into the creative vision behind the upcoming title, shedding light on the two known locations and the gameplay elements that players can expect.

The two confirmed locations in Star Wars Outlaws are Crescent Toshara and the iconic desert planet, Tatooine. Gerighty revealed that Toshara draws inspiration from the African savannah, presenting players with vast, open fields to explore. The planet was designed to accommodate Kay Vess and her flying car, promising thrilling experiences within this diverse landscape.

Adhering to an 80/20 rule when it comes to the creation of new locations, Lucasfilm’s Matt Martin explained that the team aim to strike a balance between the familiar and the alien. In the case of Toshara, 80% of the environment will feel recognizable, while the remaining 20% will provide a unique and unexpected twist. The moon and the Crystal City add the captivating allure of strangeness to Toshara.

When it comes to the beloved Tatooine, it’s not just about recreating the iconic setting, but creating a place with its own rich history. Gerighty and his team were inspired by the watering hole in Mos Eisley, a location that holds a special place in fans’ hearts. They aimed to give players an immersive experience by meticulously designing every nook and cranny of this familiar yet newly realized space. Offering virtual tours, players will be able to uncover the secrets and intricacies of Tatooine like never before.

Apart from exploring iconic locations, Star Wars Outlaws also offers players the opportunity to engage with famous characters in the Star Wars universe. The game will feature the palace of the notorious Jabba the Hutt, serving as a hub for missions and encounters. Players will be able to not only take on missions for Jabba but also have the option to betray him, with far-reaching consequences that will unfold throughout the game.

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Despite not having a confirmed release date yet, Star Wars Outlaws is set to hit the gaming market sometime next year. Fans eager to delve deeper into the intricate details of the game can read the extended interview with the game’s director from San Diego Comic-Con by visiting [provide link to interview].

Star Wars Outlaws promises to immerse players in a world that offers familiar elements interwoven with fresh and captivating experiences. Stay tuned for more updates as the release date approaches.

Source: Gamereactor.cn

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