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The Milky Way discovers super-old stars within the universe, born 12 to 13 billion years in the past | TechNews

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The Milky Way discovers super-old stars within the universe, born 12 to 13 billion years in the past | TechNews

Researchers Discover Oldest Stars within the Milky Way

A staff of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has made a groundbreaking discovery – the oldest stars within the universe usually are not as distant as beforehand thought. Located within the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy, these veteran stars are believed to have shaped 12 to 13 billion years in the past, making them a number of the oldest identified stars in existence. Despite their age, these stars are solely about 30,000 light-years away from Earth.

Dubbed SASS (Small Accreting System Stars) by the researchers, these stars had been as soon as a part of their very own small authentic galaxies earlier than being absorbed by the bigger Milky Way. Now, they orbit the outer reaches of the galaxy in what is called the Galactic halo. The staff suspects that extra historic stars could also be discovered on this area of the Milky Way.

The researchers initially got down to seek for stars that shaped shortly after the Big Bang, which occurred 13.8 billion years in the past. By analyzing knowledge from the Magellan Telescope, the staff was capable of establish three stars with extraordinarily low chemical abundances, suggesting that they had been shaped within the early phases of the universe.

Further evaluation utilizing knowledge from the Gaia satellite tv for pc revealed that these stars had been transferring in a retrograde movement relative to different stars within the galaxy. This signifies that they had been possible captured by the Milky Way from different smaller galaxies. The chemical composition of the celebs, together with low ranges of parts similar to strontium, barium, and iron, additional helps the idea that they’re a number of the oldest stars within the universe.

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The staff plans to proceed their seek for historic SASS stars by figuring out stars with low chemical abundances and monitoring their orbits. By learning the motion of those stars, the researchers hope to verify the presence of extra historic stars within the Milky Way.

The findings of the analysis have been printed within the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. This discovery opens up new potentialities for learning the early phases of the universe and the formation of our personal galaxy.

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