Home » Will iPhone freeze after latest iOS update?How to Fix | Apple | Apple | System Updates

Will iPhone freeze after latest iOS update?How to Fix | Apple | Apple | System Updates

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Will iPhone freeze after latest iOS update?How to Fix | Apple | Apple | System Updates

Apple’s Latest iOS Update Causes iPhones to Become “Unusable” for Some Users

[NTD News, Beijing time, April 13, 2024] Apple’s latest iOS update, version 17.4.1, has caused some iPhones to become “unusable” for users, forcing them to seek help from Apple professionals at their stores. However, some users have found that this problem can be resolved at home.

The iOS 17.4.1 update was released “over-the-air” (OTA) on March 21, and since then, many users have been experiencing issues such as app crashes and frozen smartphones. Frustrated users have taken to social media platforms to seek solutions to their problems.

One iPhone user shared her experience with the Daily Mail, stating that her smartphone became unresponsive after updating to iOS 17.4.1. She had to take her iPhone to an Apple store where technicians were able to “restore” the device, returning it to normal functionality.

According to the user, Apple store employees explained that the update may have become stuck in the installation process, causing the phone to behave erratically.

To update to the latest operating system, iPhones must have a certain amount of power and be connected to WiFi, not mobile data. Failure to meet these conditions can result in delayed updates, leading to issues with the device’s performance.

Some users have reported that their iPhones are “almost unusable” after the update, with one Reddit user stating, “Even if I reinstall, restart the phone, do a hard reset, it still doesn’t work.”

Fortunately, Reddit users have discovered that this issue can be resolved at home by connecting the iPhone to a laptop and reinstalling iOS. Additionally, Apple has quietly released a revised version of iOS 17.4.1, which is available through iTunes.

Users who have tried updating their iPhones using a computer have reported successful results, fixing the issues they were experiencing with their devices.

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If your iPhone is performing poorly after the iOS 17.4.1 update, it is recommended to perform the update again using the revised version. Users who have followed this advice on social media have confirmed that it resolves the problems they were facing.

For more tech news and updates, stay tuned to The Epoch Times.

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