Home » Windows 11 crashes after installation reaches 96%. Microsoft admits that the problem lies with WinRE

Windows 11 crashes after installation reaches 96%. Microsoft admits that the problem lies with WinRE

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Windows 11 crashes after installation reaches 96%. Microsoft admits that the problem lies with WinRE

Some Windows 11 Users Experiencing Update Error 0x800F0922, Microsoft Working to Resolve Issue

A number of Windows 11 users who have attempted to update to the latest February 2024 update have encountered a frustrating issue. When the installation reaches 96%, the update will stop and a 0x800F0922 error window will pop up, preventing users from completing the update.

One user who faced this error took to the Event Viewer to investigate further, discovering that the error code was indeed 0x800F0922. The error message displayed to affected users reads: “Some updates could not be installed as planned. No need to worry, this update did not perform any changes. Please keep the computer powered on.”

On the Windows Release Health Dashboard, Microsoft has acknowledged the issue with a new entry, stating: “Windows 11 devices may face an issue when trying to install the February 2024 security update (KB5034765) released on February 13, 2024. Installation failed and system may stop responding at 96%.” Microsoft reassured users that they are actively working to resolve the issue and will provide an update in a future release.

As a temporary solution, Microsoft recommends deleting the files in the hidden folder “C:$WinREAgent.” This indicates that the problem is related to WinRE, the Windows Recovery Environment.

Interestingly, this error has been reported in the past with Windows 10 as well, with the cause in that instance being the uninstallation of the Edge browser. Users who are curious about this issue in Windows 10 can find more information by following the provided reading link.

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Overall, Microsoft is aware of the update error affecting some Windows 11 users and is diligently working to provide a fix in an upcoming release. In the meantime, affected users can try the temporary solution provided or keep an eye out for further updates from Microsoft.

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