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13 officers on trial were only on duty

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13 officers on trial were only on duty

“31 AK-103 rifles stolen from Venezuelan Naval Base: 13 officers prosecuted for alleged involvement”

In a shocking turn of events, 31 AK-103 rifles belonging to the Venezuelan Armed Forces were stolen from the Rearmirante Renato Beluche Marine Infantry Battalion (BIM 842) at the Punto Fijo Naval Base. The theft, which took place on Sunday, October 8, 2023, has resulted in the prosecution of 13 soldiers in the Military Criminal Justice system. However, the investigation by the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM) has revealed that Lieutenant Commander Johana García Chávez facilitated a group of civilians to take the rifles, raising questions about the involvement of the prosecuted officers.

The head of the brigade, Rear Admiral Augusto Che García Ferrer, was replaced on January 19, 2024, and the Rear Admiral Uldren Alberto Gedde Díaz also left the Juan Crisóstomo Falcón Naval Base. It was revealed that the weapons park at the naval base did not have a security system, lighting, alarms, or censors, making it easier for the theft to occur.

The theft went unnoticed for two days until a sentry noticed strange individuals inside the bunker where the weapons were kept. While the stolen rifles were not immediately recovered, three appeared floating in the sea and one was found in bushes. It was later discovered that the prosecuted officers were not on duty when the theft took place, leading to further questions about their alleged involvement.

The investigation is ongoing, with more details available on INFOBAE.

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