Home » 6th round of sanctions against Russia, EU locks banks and oil | European Union | Banking | Sberbank

6th round of sanctions against Russia, EU locks banks and oil | European Union | Banking | Sberbank

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6th round of sanctions against Russia, EU locks banks and oil | European Union | Banking | Sberbank

Beijing time:2022-04-17 10:30

[NTD, Beijing, April 17, 2022]) European Union Executive Commission President Van der Leyen told Germany’s Bild Sunday that the next round of EU sanctions against Russia will target the banking sector, especially the Russian Federal Reserve Banks, will also include sanctions on oil.

In an exclusive interview published today (16th), Bild am Sonntag asked Ursula von der Leyen (Von der Leyen) what the sixth round of sanctions against Russia will focus on.

“We will further target the banking sector, especially Sberbank, which accounts for 37% of Russian banking finance (business volume). Also, of course, there will be energy issues,” she said.

Reuters reported that the European Union had not hit Sberbank in previous rounds of sanctions because it, like Gazprombank, is the main payment channel for EU countries to buy Russian oil and gas. Despite the outbreak of war in Ukraine, European countries continue to buy Russian oil and gas.

She added that the EU was trying to use “smart mechanisms” so that oil could also be included in the next wave of sanctions.

Van der Leyen was quoted as saying in an exclusive interview with Pictorial on Sunday: “What should not be happening is for (Russian President) Vladimir Putin (Putin) to use the oil and gas that was originally supplied to the EU to make money in other markets or even more. high cost.”

She said the current priority is to reduce Putin’s revenue.

(Transfer from Central News Agency/responsible editor: Xia Mingyi)

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URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/04/17/a103402593.html

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