Home » Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise are rumored to be getting back together, netizens agree with the IG Story upload

Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise are rumored to be getting back together, netizens agree with the IG Story upload

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Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise are rumored to be getting back together, netizens agree with the IG Story upload

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – The relationship between Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise has become a topic of conversation again, after reportedly getting back together. This is known based on the logic of netizens who linked the two’s recent Instagram (IG) Story uploads.

Not only that, netizens actually feel sorry for Laura Moane, who is known to be Al Ghazali’s girlfriend. On the timeline, netizens are busy discussing several pieces of evidence that Al Ghazali is indeed dating Alyssa Daguise at a restaurant.

“Al Ghazali and Alyssa Balikan?” asked the TikTok account @matchaluvv00, uploaded on Thursday (9/5/2024).

In a few slide photo, you can see how similar the shirt logo is to Alyssa’s photo. The time the IG story was uploaded was also around the same time, thus further strengthening speculation that the two of them were back in a relationship.

The food he uploaded also looked the same, namely dry age beef. In another upload, the two of them also still show other foods they ordered, although they are different, namely Italian-style pasta and scallops.

Netizens also invaded their social media accounts to find out the truth of the news. Not reluctantly, there are also netizens who are happy that the two of them are back together again.

“Yes, when you see your ex getting shinning, you don’t want to go back,” wrote netizens.

“I’d be really happy if the news was true,” others agree.

“I said it’s better to come back,” connect the other.

“Hopefully we will get married soon,” netizens’ prayers.

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“Hopefully this time we will get married straight away,” netizens hope.

“Hopefully we will come back, because they are truly a perfect couple,” exclaimed other netizens.

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