Home » Andrea Margelletti’s point: “Impossible to give airplanes and tanks to Zelensky, it would mean direct NATO involvement”

Andrea Margelletti’s point: “Impossible to give airplanes and tanks to Zelensky, it would mean direct NATO involvement”

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Andrea Margelletti’s point: “Impossible to give airplanes and tanks to Zelensky, it would mean direct NATO involvement”

Professor Andrea Margelletti, NATO has raised the alarm of a possible nuclear accident: how credible is it that this can happen?
“If we talk about a possible accident at nuclear power plants, both Russian and Ukrainian have shown that they know how to manage the plants in the best possible way, even in a very delicate phase like this one, with a war in progress. In short, they have shown great responsibility ».
What if it were, instead, an accidental launch of a missile?
«If, on the other hand, we think of an accidental launch of a missile, well, we must know that there is no super button. There are so many procedures to follow before the launch takes place and too many people need to be involved. In short, I would exclude it ».
The diplomatic path is proceeding and yet a solution is not reached, why?
“It is necessary to continue working on this front. A solution will only come when Russia has decided that it will want to dialogue ».

And when do you think this will happen?
“When Russia has achieved its goal: the creation of a large area in Europe under its influence.”

This means going far beyond the conquest of Ukraine.
“Exactly, that’s why the negotiations will go on for a very long time and this war will also last a long time.”
Zelensky asked the West and NATO for tanks and planes, is it the right way?
“No, it is unthinkable that NATO will supply them, it would mean its direct involvement in the conflict.”
How credible is a coup against Putin as some confidential Russian intelligence sources say?
«I would say little at this stage and in any case it is difficult to give such an answer. Russia is a very closed country, very little information is filtered out. And then we are sure that the alternative ruling class is not worse than Putin? ».
Well, but what if there was somehow the direction of the West or the Americans?
“These are things you only see in movies.”

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