Home » angry farmers, en route to Rungis, stop near Limoges

angry farmers, en route to Rungis, stop near Limoges

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angry farmers, en route to Rungis, stop near Limoges

Several dozen tractors from Agen, Bergerac and Périgueux, on their way to the Rungis market, are expected in Limousin this Monday evening. Farmers from Haute-Vienne and Creuse could join this movement at the call of Rural Coordination.

They decided to take the road, following the call from rural coordination. Around fifty farmers left Agen this Monday morning.

Also read: Blockade of Paris “They don’t want us to go up”. CR47 tractors blocked on the path to Rungis

After passing through Bergerac and Périgueux, where the group was joined by other angry professionals, the convoy headed towards Limoges. They should arrive in the former capital of Limousin in the evening.

The convoy passed through the commune of Châlus after 6:30 p.m.

duration of video: 00h01mn39s

Several dozen tractors from Agen, Bergerac and Périgueux, on their way to the Rungis market, are expected in Limousin this Monday evening. Farmers from Haute-Vienne and Creuse could join this movement at the call of Rural Coordination. • ©Franck Petit, Jean-Marie Arnal

Read also : Anger of the farmers. The tractors left Agen to reach Rungis and “put the pressure on.”

Farmers from the Rural Coordination of our region will join the convoy, notably those from Haute-Vienne. Some Creusois could also reach the capital by bus or car, even if many have chosen to stay to take care of the livestock.

Departing from Agen, the convoy stopped at Bergerac and Périgueux before a stopover around Limoges this Monday January 29 evening. • © Google Maps

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Also read: Farmers’ blockages. Actions on the A89, the A20 and the RN145, intervention in a supermarket, disruptions in Limousin this Monday

In Panazol, near Limoges, the mayor, Fabien Doucet, confirmed that he was preparing changing rooms so that farmers who will park at his place can go to the toilet or wash. The tractors will therefore be parked in Panazol in the Chamber of Agriculture parking lot and other sites are planned if necessary.

Nearly two hundred tractors and several hundred cars could park in Haute-Vienne for the night.

A meal was organized by farmers with the help of local traders and producers for four hundred people.

The convoy is due to leave around 5 a.m. this Tuesday morning, heading towards Paris using the A20.

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