Home » Anissa Aziza was followed by an unknown person at the mall, here’s what you can do if you experience something similar

Anissa Aziza was followed by an unknown person at the mall, here’s what you can do if you experience something similar

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Anissa Aziza was followed by an unknown person at the mall, here’s what you can do if you experience something similar

Some time ago, there was a lot of unpleasant news on social media about artist Anissa Aziza being followed by an unknown man in a mall. Raditya Dika’s wife told the chronology of the incident via her Instagram account.

Quoting from detiksumsel, this happened on Friday (12/4) and ended with CCTV footage being obtained when the person followed Anissa Aziza. This incident also made Anissa Aziza appeal to the public to be more careful when in public places. That way, we also need to know the steps so that we can be alert if we experience something similar.

Reporting from Stalking Awarenessthe following is things you can do if you are followed by an unknown person.

1. Trust your inner instincts

Things to Do If a Stranger Follows You/Photo: Pexels/Tim Douglas

If you feel like someone is following you, then trust your instincts. Don’t panic or be stressed by the existing conditions.

Sometimes, the people around us underestimate our instincts. However, if you feel threatened, stick to your instincts and prioritize your safety. Immediately look for a place that is quite busy if this happens to you in a relatively quiet place.

2. Contact the police or security services

If you are caught in danger, contact the nearest security agency so they can help you. It cannot be denied that we need the help of authorized security forces to be able to save ourselves from danger. Explain clearly that you are being threatened by a stranger who keeps following you.

3. Record or write a chronology of events

Illustration/Photo: Freepik.com/Freepik

Recording or writing a chronology of events will help you remember details of the stalker’s behavior. This can later be used as evidence that you are really in danger.

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4. Save the evidence you have

If there is other evidence that you might obtain, then store it safely. This can be a protection for you when reporting to the authorities. Existing evidence will strengthen the statements you make from all the incidents you experienced.

5. Connect with protection services

If this goes on for a long time, then it is a good idea for you to seek protection services so that your security and safety is guaranteed. Don’t hesitate to seek support so that undesirable things don’t happen.

Being in a situation where a stranger is following you and showing signs of bad intentions is a very threatening event. This can happen to anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Therefore, we need to be alert and careful by doing the things mentioned above, yes, Beauties.


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