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Anna Giugliano’s play at Humanitas

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Anna Giugliano’s play at Humanitas

Milan – E’ dead eleven days after having an operation bariatric surgeryintervention that serves to lose weight. The victim is Anna Giugliano, 28-year-old from Oleggio, a town in the province of Novara, where she lived with her parents and three sisters who mourn her together with the whole community.

The girl, to whom a bypass gastrico, she died last March 19 at the hospital Humanitas of Rozzanowhere she was operated on. The funeral has not yet been arranged.

The investigations

Based on the parental complaint to the carabinieri, the Milan prosecutor’s office investigates for manslaughter at the expense of unknown persons. As an urgent act, the prosecutor on duty ordered the seizure of medical records. The file has been assigned to the specialized department ‘Health Protection’.

The reconstruction

Gastric bypass leads to a decrease in food intake from the body and reduces the amount of calories absorbed by the body. After the operation the 28 year old is discharged without any complications but 11 days later he accuses belly pains, con pussy which are getting stronger. Parents there take them back to the hospitalto the emergency room, and from there she is transferred to intensive therapy as his condition worsens. Everything useless: Anna Giugliano he dies the same day.

The investigations

The health management of Humanitas has already ordered a diagnostic finding to investigate what may have happened, while in all likelihood the prosecutor will order the autopsy on the body of the young woman as part of the investigation.

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The condolences

On the episode, Humanitas released a note expressing “deep condolences to family members for the disappearance of the 28-year-old. “The patient, who underwent surgery – continues the note – she had been discharged from the hospital in full health on March 8, 2023. On March 19, she was admitted to the emergency room in critical condition, undergoing resuscitation and then hospitalized in intensive care, unfortunately without being able to resolve the complicated clinical situation “.

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