Home » Anniversary Falcone, Grasso “From Palermo a spark of hope towards the mafia”, Grasso

Anniversary Falcone, Grasso “From Palermo a spark of hope towards the mafia”, Grasso

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Anniversary Falcone, Grasso “From Palermo a spark of hope towards the mafia”, Grasso

by blogsicilia.it – ​​6 minutes in the past

]]> A glimmer of hope comes from Palermo. It is a spark from the sunshine that Giovanni Falcone gave to his good friend Piero Grasso, former nationwide anti-mafia prosecutor and former president of the Senate. “From this spark, a brand new future may be born for the younger folks of our nation, to raised change the issues which can be nonetheless there…

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Disclaimer – The submit with the title: «Commemoration of Falcone Years, Grasso “From Palermo a spark of hope towards the mafia”, Grasso appeared 6 minutes in the past within the on-line newspaper blogsicilia.it».

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