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Byoblu-Mondocane 3/17 “When war is inside and outside”, broadcast Sunday 10 March, 9.30pm. Repeats Monday 09.30, Tuesday 11.00, Wednesday 22.30, Thursday 10.00, Saturday 16.30, Sunday 09.00.

Watch out for the date of March 16th throughout Italy against the global dictatorship planned by the WHO and facilitated by the very black government we have (see later)

In this episode we talk and talk about a lot of things, starting from the inexorable genocide of the Palestinians, to the thundering sneer dedicated to Mrs Pina Picierno (PD, obviously), vice-president – no less – of the EU parliament. Having looked around and seen how good people are at discriminating between good and bad, beating the former and embedding the latter with impunity, she discovered on whom to exercise her vice-presidential role of the brigade which by force of punches asserts the values ​​of West on those who can’t find them.

She caught those who, more than any squire of the anti-system to be punished, seemed to her worthy of dutiful revenge in the form of a very severe sanction, even European, of continental scope, formidably anti-Russian, to the point of showing herself as the most grotesque, ridiculous, crude, Nazi, imbecile move that could never cheer the heart of the last extract from the von der Leyen Nazi stock.

To demonstrate the radiant truth of the assumption implicit in the series of adjectives that I have aligned, let’s see who the quasi-president Picierno (obviously PD) was able to strike down with her juridical-cultural thunderbolts: the best of our mural artists. Recognized as a great world-wide, Ciro Cerullo, Jorit, Neapolitan, father of the fantastic murals of Maradona, Nelson Mandela, of Naples, of Sochi with Ornella Muti courageous violator of the ostracism of the Russians, including Tchaikovsky, of Mariupol (where he revealed the crimes of the Azov Nazis against the population, in his own way, with facts, like Assange). Intolerable anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-war, in total contrast with the spirit of the time that breathes again from the Chancellery bunker, ready to declare even Vladimir Putin to be “human”, regurgitation of the Giudecca, group of the worst, and so good as to make Pina Picierno a black dot of the kind that washes off the windows in summer.

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I lost myself in the embrace of the excellent Pina. In the episode it’s just a slap among many slaps, obviously non-violent, otherwise there’ll be trouble! Like the war on Russia, or the war on Yemen, declared by Meloni in Kiev, without the knowledge of the Italians; or how good Piantedosi and Crosetto are at making military war and social war intersect in perfect synergy and for the common objective, as explained by the WHO of the global dictatorship scheduled for May. And, with war, the greatest threat to humanity which is brought forward by the WHO and facilitated by our re-edition of the Greenpass for everything, anticipated in Davos with the threat of health armageddon due to a hypothetical, but very feasible, pandemic

Dictatorship which, thanks to the cornucopia of health, puts on us all the emergencies that the dollarocracy manages to throw at us: war, climate, poverty and social turbulence, thought and language out of register, pandemic X, invasion of locusts, fire from the sky (task of Israel). Precisely “global”, in the sense that every escape is precluded.

But let’s get back to the topic of the title and then I’ll let you go. It seems like a little concept of some importance to me.


And here we mean not the identity derived from Shem, son of Noah, which must be recognized to 450 million Arabs, all Semites, and to almost none of the Ashkenazim of the Khazar kingdom, who converted to Judaism in the early Middle Ages and then transmigrated a little everywhere and, due to poignant British colonialist nostalgia, even in Palestine (see “The invention of the Jewish people” by the Jewish historian Shlomo Sand). So they proclaimed themselves Semites and to cover up their misdeeds against those who were forcibly expatriated, they understood that the best defense of misdeeds is victimism and, therefore, that they could be found all over the world, if they wanted (and assisted by those who thanks to anti-Semitism they have secured the perpetual income of the energetic heart of the world), a lot of very bad anti-Semites. And the more we find, the more we are assured of understanding, indulgence, solidarity and… impunity.

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Anti-Semites, then differently named, were implicitly those whose treatment by Isaiah or Joshua Netaniahu says he was inspired by. Those who all had to be put to the sword, or burned, eliminated with what they had of children or goats or camels. Sacred books, today reduced to texts of a death cult, which anticipated the end that must be biblically inflicted on several million anti-Semites – Semites – Palestinians.

How would they without the fig leaf of anti-Semitism perpetrate crimes against humanity as practiced and suggested by their sacred texts? Perhaps it is time to clarify this formidable and mesmerizing instrument that has made Israel the moral model of humanity and the victim of every kind of wickedness of others, so much so as to make half the world internalize that everything is permitted to it, everything justified, everything unpunished.

If you raise your finger on the atrocities perpetrated in Palestine for almost twenty years, you are anti-Semitic, therefore anti-Jewish, therefore Jew-hater, Jew-hater, no matter how much you have worked for the reasons and salvation of the Palestinian Semites. Fantastic short circuit, don’t you think? They were really good. With this history of anti-Semitism they have given themselves an almost worldwide and unlimited genocide clearance (a bit of a crisis to be honest today, given that death cult bulimia has taken away the effectiveness of the trick. Too much is a bad thing).

With the spread of anti-Semitism, Israel has placed itself at the center of the moral universe. And if you frown at 40,000 civilians massacred with bombs and starvation, you leave that moral universe, you can be a judge of the International Court all you want. You are anti-Semitic.

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Do we realize what anti-Semitism means for Israel? The oxygen mask, the umbilical cord between it and genocide.

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