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Beware of thrush, toxic for your pets

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Beware of thrush, toxic for your pets

Whether its flowers or its stem, lily of the valley is toxic to dogs and cats. Severe symptoms may occur if swallowed.

Pet owners urged to be cautious. On this Wednesday, May 1st, lily of the valley flowers are coming to our tables to celebrate Labor Day. But white bells are as beautiful as they are toxic for dogs, cats and even birds.

The plant contains substances that are irritating to the digestive tract (saponosides) as well as derivatives that are toxic to the heart (cardiotoxic heterosides) which can endanger the life of the animal if ingested, as explained on its website. site the Western Animal and Environmental Poison Control Center (Capae).

Whether the famous bells, the stem or the leaves, “all parts of the plant are toxic. And even the water in the vase!”, warns the poison control center, which also specifies that “withered and dried out lily of the valley remains toxic “.

Violent symptoms

The symptoms occur between “15 minutes and six hours after ingestion” and are easily identifiable: repeated vomiting, heavy salivation or even diarrhea, sometimes hemorrhagic.

“In the hours following the digestive symptoms, nervous disorders may appear: convulsions, uncoordinated movements, tremors. At the end of the evolution, the animal remains prostrate and lying on its side,” adds the poison control center.

To avoid this, the owner must react as soon as the first symptoms appear. Either by immediately contacting one of the two animal poison control centers in France – Capae, based in Nantes, or the National Veterinary Toxicological Information Center (CNITV) in the Lyon metropolitan area – or by calling a veterinarian. The animal’s recovery will depend on the quantity ingested and the speed of treatment.

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