Home » Biden-Xi phone call, Taiwan at the center of the conversation, but also US concerns over Beijing’s support for the Russian military industry

Biden-Xi phone call, Taiwan at the center of the conversation, but also US concerns over Beijing’s support for the Russian military industry

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Biden-Xi phone call, Taiwan at the center of the conversation, but also US concerns over Beijing’s support for the Russian military industry

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed Taiwan, artificial intelligence and security issues in a phone call aimed at demonstrating a return to regular leader-to-leader dialogue between the two powers. It was their first conversation since a November summit in California, which produced renewed ties and the promise of greater cooperation to stem the flow of fentanyl from China. But, an American administration official revealed, Biden did not hide US concerns about Beijing’s cooperation with Russia to rebuild Moscow’s basic military industry from the Chinese president. On the table, the White House reports, the American president also raised concerns about China’s unfair trade policies and non-market economic practices.

On Taiwan, Xi made it clear to Biden that he considered the issue “the first insurmountable red line in Sino-American relations.” “We will not let separatist activities, external connivance and support for the forces of Taiwan independence remain uncontrolled,” the Chinese president said. Xi, according to the report of the phone call provided by the Xinhua agency, therefore hoped that “the United States will put into practice the President’s positive statement not to support Taiwan’s independence”.

For his part, Biden urged Xi Jinping to maintain calm around Taiwan as the self-governing democracy claimed by Beijing prepares for the inauguration of newly elected President Lai Ching-te in May. Biden “stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the rule of law and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea,” the White House said in a statement.

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