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Collapse just before the finish line! Young runner is revived

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Collapse just before the finish line!  Young runner is revived

Hamburg. How the weather became a challenge, why Katharina Steinruck had to give up and how often first responders were called out. Haspa run at a glance.

Running enthusiasts had to wait a year, but at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, April 28th, the starting signal was finally given Hamburg-Marathon 2024.

You can read everything important about the major event in the Abendblatt blog.

Young runner has to be revived at Dammtorbahnhof

According to the German Red Cross, a dramatic incident occurred at the Hamburg Marathon. A runner had to be resuscitated shortly before the finish near the Dammtor train station, the spokesman for the Hamburg regional association, Rainer Barthel, told the Abenblatt. The man was then taken to the hospital in an ambulance. It is not known how he is doing at the moment. The Hamburg fire department was also unable to make any statement about his condition, only confirming that he had been transported under resuscitation conditions.

According to Barthel, the person affected was a fairly young man in his mid-20s to 30s. This collapsed directly in front of the Cinemaxx cinema, which is opposite the train station. A spectator is said to have tried to help the runner before the paramedics.

The Hamburg Marathon took the runners across the city and also past the jetties. © Axel Heimken/dpa

In total, the volunteer rescue workers from the German Red Cross, the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe and the Malteser relief service provided first aid almost 500 times during the marathon, significantly more often than in the previous year. Around 300 assistance services were registered at the marathon in 2023.

“More runners than usual today had problems with their circulation and suffered from a lack of fluids and severe exhaustion; the suddenly warm weather in Hamburg was probably one of the reasons for this,” said DRK operations manager Fabian Borchardt. That’s why participants in today’s marathon had to be transported by ambulance around 70 times. According to the DRK, the high number of those affected could also have something to do with the overall higher number of participants.

Marathon spokesman Reinald Achilles had previously only spoken of a few health incidents, especially circulatory problems, in the evening paper interview.

Hamburg Marathon: Winner at the finish, what happens to the final runners?

While the professionals were able to take off their shoes again, the amateur athletes continued running. But there is an end for them too – even if not always behind the finish line.

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The official finish line was six hours after the last person had started, which was around 9:50 a.m. on Sunday, as press spokesman Reinald Achilles told the Abendblatt. The marathon officially ended around 4 p.m.

But what happened to everyone who was still on the road at that point? “It’s still being expanded a bit generously, but at some point the last people will actually be collected. They can then get on a bus. If they don’t want to, they have to leave the route because the road has to be reopened at some point,” says Achilles .

The fastest woman at the Hamburg Marathon is Irene Cheptai

The Kenyan Irene Cheptai reached the finish in 02:18:24, making her the fastest woman in the 2024 Hamburg Marathon.

The best German is Rabea Schöneborn with a time of 2:35:07.

Marathon winner 2024: Bernard Koech wins

Bernard Koech won the 2024 Hamburg Marathon in 2:04:23. The Kenyan had already won in 2023 – now he could be happy again. In an interview with the Abendblatt, Koech said that the wind had bothered him. After an initial tailwind, a “disturbing headwind” awaited the top athletes from kilometer 30 onwards.

Bernard Koech won the 2024 Hamburg Marathon as the fastest man. The Kenyan made it to first place last year.

The best German, Sebastian Hendel, however, found the wind “very nice because it was refreshing,” as he told the Abendblatt. A little later he reached the finish with his personal best of 02:08:50.

Benjamin Franke is the best Hamburger at the Haspa Marathon 2024. © Witters

Benjamin Franke from the Haspa Marathon running team became Hamburg champion with a personal best time of 2:25:16 hours. “I’m super happy,” said Franke after shouting his joy while sitting on his knees.

In costume for the Hamburg Marathon

While the leading group was already heading towards the finish, the amateur runners were in a great mood. Particularly at the landing stages, there was great enthusiasm among the participants and the local audience.

Batman on the route between Hohenzollernring and Eggersallee. © HA

Many sports enthusiasts were dressed up. Whether as a captain with an anchor, a running juggler, or a running banana – many participants were creative in their choice of clothing.

After the visit of Prince Albert and his wife Charlène, things became royal again in Hamburg. This time, however, with running shoes on my feet.

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The “King” is coming: Royal visit to the Hamburg Marathon.

One of the runners had previously equipped himself with a crown, “sword” and foam orb.

A different business outfit with a tie and suit: a running group in partner looks at the Hambug Marathon.

Katharina Steinruck is eliminated from the Hamburg Marathon

Katharina Steinruck (34/Eintracht Frankfurt), the fastest German runner in the field, gave up after 20 kilometers. She had previously run into a table at the aid station. According to evening paper information, she could not see the table because two pacers were running in front of her.

After a careless lunge, she grabbed the back of her left thigh and finished the race in tears. Apparently she had suffered a cramp, possibly a torn muscle.

Katharina Steinruck had to give up after 20 kilometers at the Hamburg Marathon. © IMAGO/Beautiful Sports/ R.Schmitt

For Kristina Hendel (27/SCC Berlin) it was over after just 15 kilometers. On Thursday she received the Post Covid diagnosis and with it an explanation as to why she had found running more difficult than usual in the previous weeks. She still wanted to start in Hamburg, but after a good hour she realized that this wasn’t the best idea.

Sun over Hamburg – how the weather could become a problem

After the rain and cold of the last few days, the sun shone over Hamburg for the race. What looked like perfect weather gave some people circulatory problems later in the day.

Hendrik Pfeiffer, 2022 German marathon champion, noted in the NDR live broadcast shortly after the start that there could be difficulties in the fight for the best time given the weather forecast of 22 degrees.

The Hamburg Marathon will take place for the 38th time in 2024 and will be a real premiere. With 15,000 participants, the major event is sold out for the first time. © IMAGO / Carpenter

18 degrees are “still tolerable” for top performance. In the last half hour, the temperature factor could still play a role for the top runners.

Press spokesman Reinald Achilles told the Abendblatt: “We hope that it doesn’t get too warm. Otherwise everything is going as it should be.” As long as it is “reasonably cool,” no major health incidents are to be expected. Nevertheless, we are “prepared for anything.”

Hamburg Marathon 2024 started

They lined up at a pleasant 14 degrees – the amateur athletes and professionals. “That was almost an early start,” commented NDR spokesman Wilfried Hark. Because the top athletes had already started running at 9:29 a.m. The men’s and women’s competitions also started at 9.30 a.m.

The run on Sunday was a real first in the history of the Hamburg Marathon. For the first time in 38 years, the event was sold out with 15,000 attendees.

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Hamburg Marathon: Important information for participants

The participants were able to arrive at the starting line-up from 8 a.m. on Karolinenstrasse / corner of Lagerstrasse.

The race ended here, near the Heinrich Hertz Tower. To avoid a big crowd at the finish after the 42.195 kilometers across Hamburg, Haspa pointed out the following on Facebook in advance: “Please leave the area behind the finish quickly. In this way you give space to other runners also achieve the goal.”

In addition, you can get the medal you deserve more quickly.

Marathon: route closures in Hamburg

The police warned in advance of traffic disruptions. Due to the Haspa Marathon, some places were already closed on Saturday.

There were also numerous demonstrations and parades in the areas of St. Georg, Old Town, Neustadt and St. Pauli over the weekend.

“Visitors to the affected areas are strongly recommended to travel by public, rail-based transport. All other road users are recommended to avoid the affected areas as far as possible.”

Children’s marathon on Saturday: registrations sold out

Before top athletes and amateur runners set off again, “The Tenth,” the children’s marathon, took place on Saturday.

Since 8:30 a.m., numerous elementary school students have been running through Hamburg. This year there were three runs for children up to fourth grade.

Before the start, the children gather in the exhibition hall – this is also where the medals will be distributed later. © Hamburger Abendblatt

At 2:30 p.m. they were replaced by participants from secondary schools for grades five to 13. The award ceremony was scheduled for 3:45 p.m.

According to the organizers, all available starting places were completely sold out.

“The Tenth”: Parents not allowed when setting up for children’s run

“The Tenth” started at 8:30 a.m. The organizer recommended this earlier. The children can line up 30 minutes before the start.

However, parents, carers and teachers are not allowed on the starting grid. The start is on Karolinenstrasse at Flora-Neumann-Strasse. “All runs are supported by accompanying runners.”

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