Home » Crisis in Cuba: the regime fired the Minister of Foreign Trade and adjustments accumulate within the Díaz-Canel Cabinet

Crisis in Cuba: the regime fired the Minister of Foreign Trade and adjustments accumulate within the Díaz-Canel Cabinet

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Crisis in Cuba: the regime fired the Minister of Foreign Trade and adjustments accumulate within the Díaz-Canel Cabinet

Cuba has made a big change in its management by changing Ricardo Cabrisas as Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment. According to state tv studies on Thursday, Cabrisas, who will proceed to carry the place of Deputy Prime Minister, has been dismissed from his position within the Foreign Trade portfolio. He took over the place in April 2023, succeeding Rodrigo Malmierca.

Oscar Pérez-Oliva Fraga, the primary deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, will now assume the position of Minister, whereas Carlos Ruiz Jorge Méndez has been appointed because the vice minister of the identical portfolio.

This transfer comes as a part of a sequence of adjustments introduced by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, which have additionally included the removing of different public officers, together with former Minister of Economy and Planning Alejandro Gil.

Cabrisas, who has held varied key positions within the Cuban Government through the years, has been instrumental in negotiating Cuba’s overseas debt with each state and personal collectors. He has additionally performed a vital position in negotiations with strategic allies equivalent to Russia, China, Iran, and Venezuela.

With Cabrisas being the sixth minister to be faraway from workplace within the first 12 months of Díaz-Canel’s second time period, there have been a number of different high-ranking political adjustments within the nation lately, with round ten governors, vice-governors, and first provincial secretaries of the Communist Party of Cuba additionally being changed.

Meanwhile, former Minister of Economy and Planning Alejandro Gil, who was dismissed in February, is at the moment underneath investigation for alleged corruption. This marks the biggest corruption investigation involving a political determine in Cuba in over a decade. Díaz-Canel has emphasised the federal government’s zero-tolerance coverage in direction of corruption, stating that such actions won’t be tolerated within the revolution’s management.

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