Home » CRISIS IN THE ITALIAN STEEL WORKS Trade associations denounce the serious difficulty of many companies: “the sector is collapsing” – Current affairs

CRISIS IN THE ITALIAN STEEL WORKS Trade associations denounce the serious difficulty of many companies: “the sector is collapsing” – Current affairs

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CRISIS IN THE ITALIAN STEEL WORKS Trade associations denounce the serious difficulty of many companies: “the sector is collapsing” – Current affairs

The main road haulage trade associations note the total disinterest that Acciaierie d’Italia Spa has shown towards the sector: the companies, also following a focus carried out last Friday, confirm that they are in serious difficulties following missed payments which have been accumulating for months.

The cry of alarm launched last October went unheeded. The issue is obviously of a national nature and involves a variety of areas of the country (Marghera, Taranto, Novi Ligure, Genoa, Padua, Racconigi, Paderno…) with companies that from North to South Italy have worked for Acciaierie d’Italia SpA ensuring the maintenance of the production cycle and accumulating millions of euros of credits. From the Taranto plant, in particular, conflicting and unconfirmed news arrives regarding payments made in favor of very few companies, in defiance of any principle of fairness and proportionality.

“We appeal to the sense of responsibility of all the subjects involved, from AdI to the various Dicasteries, in order to avoid that what already happened previously with the former Ilva is repeated with the same, identical script that has seen hundreds of transport forced to close their doors or initiate intricate disputes in the hope of receiving fair compensation for the work performed.

We hope for an important economic intervention in order to give breathing space to companies in the sector: an extraordinary intervention in the face of an extraordinary crisis situation. A crisis whose genesis certainly cannot be attributed to those who have always carried out their duties punctually and seriously.

We reiterate from now on the need for a permanent discussion table with the most representative organizations for the management, even in the future, of industrial relations between the company and transport service suppliers, in the name of transparency and correctness which have been coming for too long to be missed.”

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