Home » Cuban dissident military urged to “overthrow the current mafia regime and put an end to the long night of totalitarianism”

Cuban dissident military urged to “overthrow the current mafia regime and put an end to the long night of totalitarianism”

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Cuban dissident military urged to “overthrow the current mafia regime and put an end to the long night of totalitarianism”

Former President of Cuba, Raúl Castro, and the current president and first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, are facing criticism from a dissident group made up of senior officers of the Cuban Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior. The group, known as the Cuban Movement of Military Conscientious Objectors, has denounced the plans of the current government to maintain power after the death of Raúl Castro and has urged citizens to overthrow the regime.

In a letter published on Sunday and distributed by the NGO Cuba Siglo 21, the group harshly evaluated the political and economic situation on the island, accusing the current government of prioritizing the interests of a new oligarchic class over the basic needs of the Cuban people. The letter describes the current regime as a “totalitarian dictatorship of a mafia, parasitic and irresponsible oligarchy that only defends its interests,” and calls for a change to put an end to the long night of totalitarianism in Cuba.

The group also alleges that those close to the central core of the new Cuban oligarchic elite are preparing to maintain control of power, even before Raúl Castro’s eventual death. They claim that the regime is evaluating alternatives to eliminate any potential leader who may stand in the way of their aspiration to maintain power.

In response to the situation, the dissident group reminds citizens that “rebellion is a current constitutional right” and calls for the establishment of a National Salvation Committee to invoke the virtually defunct communist Constitution of 2019 to overthrow the current regime. They clarify that they are not calling for a military coup, but rather for a transition from Law to Law.

Furthermore, the dissident military provides a roadmap with the steps to follow once the current regime has been overthrown, including the implementation of provisional rules to replace the 2019 Constitution and the preparation for free elections and a new democratic constitution.

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The group concludes by stating that the liberation from the totalitarian regime will allow the country to develop with modern technologies and finally incorporate Cuban society into the new information age of the 21st century.

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