Home » DRC: Fleeing the fighting, war displaced people targeted by bombings in their sites ~ Jobson

DRC: Fleeing the fighting, war displaced people targeted by bombings in their sites ~ Jobson

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DRC: Fleeing the fighting, war displaced people targeted by bombings in their sites ~ Jobson

War displaced sites in the city of Goma, capital of the North Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo, were once again the target of deadly bombings on May 3, 2024. This caused the death of 14 people. , including women and children. Around thirty injuries were reported.

Acts condemned at the national and international level, and which implicate Rwanda, accused of supporting the M23 rebels who intensify the fighting against the loyalist army, supported by the “Wazalendo” resistance fighters, at the gates of the city of Goma.

Faced with this situation, displaced populations are expressing their concern, fearing for their safety. Some women displaced in the site of the 8th CEPAC church, deplore that they are constantly the target of bombs that they fled into their living environment, in addition to facing the precarious humanitarian situation in this camp. displaced.

“Since Friday, the day of the bombing, we have not received any assistance and we do not know what to do. When we throw shells from here, that’s when the rebels respond and reach us, that’s how we become victims and many lose their lives in these circumstances.” explained a displaced woman who requested anonymity.

Exacerbated by this situation of insecurity within the displaced camps themselves, they invite the authorities to find an urgent solution to end the war, so that they return to their homes.

A child displaced by war in the displaced persons site in Mugunga, © Job K.

“We fled the war, but now the bombs reach us here. It would be better if we went home. We prefer to die at home than to be displaced in these conditions”launched another displaced woman, inviting the Congolese government to do everything possible to restore peace in this region.

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This last, always wants to be reassuring and affirms “that he will spare no effort to protect them and safeguard the integrity of the national territory”.

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