Home » Elections in Peru: Castillo elected president: “Thank you for this historic triumph”

Elections in Peru: Castillo elected president: “Thank you for this historic triumph”

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Pedro Castillo was declared the winner of the presidential elections in Peru just weeks after the vote. According to the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), the candidate from Peru Libre won 50.12% of the votes in the runoff on June 6 against 49.87% of the votes went to Keiko Fujimori. For the Onpe Castillo he won by just over 44,000 votes. He, 51, thanked the Peruvians on Twitter “for this historic triumph”. Fujimori, 46, denounced “irregularities in the counting and signs of fraud”, accusations rejected by the NPO. According to the Organization of American States (OAS), the vote took place without “serious irregularities”.

In the past few hours in a speech on TV Fujimori, daughter of Alberto Fujimori and candidate of the conservative party Fuerza Popular, has pledged to “accept the results because that is what the law and the Constitution that I have sworn to defend” require.

«The time has come to invite all sectors of society to build together – wrote Castillo, who will take office on July 28 – an inclusive Peru, a just Peru, a free Peru. Without discrimination and for the rights of all and all ». “Today, brothers and sisters, a new stage begins in our history”, he added, with an appeal to all communities and “to the whole of society to help make this homeland beautiful”.

“We will reject everything that goes against democracy,” he said during a speech in Lima after the proclamation, as he reported Rpp. “We look to the future of our country with optimism”, tweeted the interim president Francisco Sagasti, hoping “the beginning of a new stage of reconciliation, consensus and unity”.

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