Home » Emergency surgery! Drama about German cycling heroine Kristina Vogel

Emergency surgery! Drama about German cycling heroine Kristina Vogel

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Emergency surgery!  Drama about German cycling heroine Kristina Vogel

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Emergency drama about German cycling heroine

Kristina Vogel is fighting for her life again six years after her serious cycling accident. An emergency operation saves the German Olympic heroine.

Kristina Vogel has been paralyzed since a training accident
© Instagram/kristina.vogel

Kristina Vogel has won a fight for her life. The German Olympic track cycling champion was saved with emergency surgery in the Berlin accident hospital on Saturday.

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A pulmonary embolism almost cost the 33-year-old his life. “Another day at home could have been the last for me,” she shared in an Instagram post.

In one of the pictures, Vogel was able to laugh again and gave a thumbs up.

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But how did the dramatic hours come about? “I didn’t feel well from Friday to Saturday. The alarm on my AppleWatch went off the whole time because my heart rate was 120 at rest,” wrote the ex-athlete.

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Her friend Michael Seidenbecher finally drove her to the hospital and saved his partner.

Shortly after arriving at the hospital, Vogel ended up on the operating table. During the procedure, Vogel was conscious and saw the doctors remove the thrombi from his body. “I had so many blood clots in my lungs that the pressure on my heart was already increased and my life was in danger,” says Vogel.

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The record world champion was moved from the intensive care unit to the normal ward on Monday. “Now I’ll take a look at what the streaming providers have to offer,” explained Vogel.

She joked again and reported: “It feels a little like a family reunion. I see a lot of people again that I saw in 2018.”

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At that time, the cyclist also survived through emergency surgery in this hospital. She suffered life-threatening injuries in a serious training accident but was rescued.

Since then, Vogel has been in a wheelchair and is paralyzed.

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