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End between Jenny Hagen and Emil Wille Gramstad

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End between Jenny Hagen and Emil Wille Gramstad

It’s over between Jenny Hagen and Emil Wille Gramstad. The former confirms it on Instagram.

It is on Instagram’s story function that she talks about the breakup.

Warns the followers: – Had so much pain

“Haven’t been very active and haven’t been feeling so well lately and that’s because it’s over between me and Emil,” writes Jenny, followed by a red, broken heart.

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“To avoid speculation about why it’s over, I just want to say that nothing has happened and I and Emil have always had a great time,” she continues.

We had a chat with influencer Jenny Hagen about life, love and the future. Video: Kine Falch. Reporter: Thea Hope. Clip: Luna Lea. view more

Furthermore, Jenny writes that she greatly appreciates the years the couple have had together, and describes the relationship as the healthiest and best she has ever had.

“I would not be where I am today without him and I have never met anyone who is so kind and supportive, and I wish Emil all the best”.

That’s why she held back her feelings

In conclusion, Jenny writes that lately she has felt that she has to figure things out on her own, and that she will spend time getting back on social media.

The news of the breakup comes some time after Jenny Hagen told Se og Hør that she and Emil were going to separate.

At the time, however, she said nothing about the break-up between them.

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