Home » Enem 2024 exams will be on November 3rd and 10th; check the schedule

Enem 2024 exams will be on November 3rd and 10th; check the schedule

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Enem 2024 exams will be on November 3rd and 10th;  check the schedule

The schedule for the National High School Exam (Enem) 2024 was released this Monday (13). The tests will be administered on November 3rd and 10th, and the official answer key will be released on November 20th. The results are expected to be released on January 13, 2025.

According to the notice, registration begins on the 27th and runs until June 7th. Registration must be done via the address enem.inep.gov.br/participante. The registration fee (R$85) must be paid from May 27th to June 12th. Requests for treatment by social name and specialized service must be submitted by June 7th.

The initial result of the request for specialized assistance will be published on June 17th, when the period for submitting appeals begins, which runs until the 21st. The final result, in response to the appeals presented, is scheduled for June 27th.

It is also on the Participant’s Page that the Registration Confirmation Card will be made available, on a date yet to be announced. The card informs the registration number; the date, time and location of the exam; the foreign language option, and indications for specialized care and treatment by social name.

O Enem 2024 notice was published in the Official Gazette of the Union this Monday (13), a date that coincides with the publication of the results on requests for exemption from the registration fee, in Participant Pageon the website of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) – the organization organizing the event.


Registrations: May 27th to June 7th

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Requests (business name and specialized service): until June 7th

Result of the request for specialized service: June 17th

Payment of the registration fee: May 27th to June 12th

Evidences: November 3rd and 10th

Official feedback: November 20th

Test result: January 13, 2025


The notice provides that the exam will consist of four objective tests (each with 45 multiple-choice questions) and an essay in Portuguese.

There are four areas of knowledge to be assessed. The first, of languages, writing, codes and their technologies, has as curricular components the subjects Portuguese language, literature, foreign language (English or Spanish), arts, physical education and information and communication technologies.

The second area of ​​knowledge (human sciences and their technologies) has as curricular components the subjects of history, geography, philosophy and sociology. In the area of ​​natural sciences and their technologies, chemistry, physics and biology content will be covered. The fourth area of ​​knowledge is mathematics.

According to the Ministry of Education, the exam is structured based on reference matrices available on the Inep portal.

On the first day of the exam, language tests will be administered; essay; codes, human sciences and their technologies. Candidates will have five hours and 30 minutes to answer the questions.

The second day will be dedicated to the application of tests in natural sciences, mathematics and their technologies. The application will last five hours.


For more than two decades, Enem has assessed students’ academic performance at the end of basic education and represents the main gateway to higher education in Brazil. This is because public and private educational institutions adopt Enem scores to select students in selection processes.

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The results are also used to select beneficiaries from the Student Financing Fund (Fies) and the University for All Program (ProUni).

Individual Enem results can also be used in the selection processes of Portuguese higher education institutions. Some Portuguese universities have an agreement with Inep to accept exam scores.

*Extended article at 11:40 am

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