Home » Fonavi 2024: CERAD link of Fonavistas from group 20, what is this certificate for?

Fonavi 2024: CERAD link of Fonavistas from group 20, what is this certificate for?

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Fonavi 2024: CERAD link of Fonavistas from group 20, what is this certificate for?

Fonavistas from group 20 who pay can download their CERAD. Photo: Andina

In December 2023, the Government issued regulations that make it possible to begin the reimbursement process for former contributors to the National Housing Fund (Fonavi).

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From this, the Ad Hoc Commission was empowered to begin, after several years of struggle, the partial return of contributions to Fonavistas who were able to credit their monetary contributions as well as those who could only be credited for periods of contributions. The beneficiaries in this first part are those who make up payment group No. 20.

This morning it was learned that the Fonavistas who make up this list can now access their Certificate of Recognition of Contributions and Rights (CERAD) through this website of the Technical Secretariat. What is this document about?

Fonavista receives 46 soles for 12 years of contribution (Latina)

According to engineer Patricia Serpa, platform supervisor of the Fonavi Technical Secretariat, the CERAD is like a record that includes all the Fonavista’s information about the money contributed, the time elapsed and how much they will receive in this process.

“The CERAD is the certificate of recognition of contributions from Fonavistas. It is the detail of what they are being recognized according to what we have been able to verify with the sources,” Serpa explained to Andina.

More Fonavista beneficiaries will receive payment in January 2024. Photo: Infobae/Andina

However, this document is not a requirement for the refund process, since its only function is informative and it will remain with the taxpayer.

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Fonavistas whose total contributions were not recognized can attach supporting documentation and challenge the CERAD issued, as in the case of a Fonavista, despite contributing for 12 years, only received 46 soles in the Banco de news.

Although the measure is welcomed, other Fonavistas who are part of previous lists (from 1 to 19) claim that CERAD should also be available to them.

To access this certificate, you must be registered using Form No. 1 (with identification data and work history) through the following link and in the options “Register in Sifonavi”, as well as “Period Registration”. Labor – F1″.

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Then you must proceed to submit Form No. 1, with the registration of your Work History through the web of the Technical Secretariat of Fonavi.

After this procedure, the commission will issue the CERAD to the Fonavistas who have been incorporated into the Register of Beneficiaries virtually in the aforementioned web. It can be accessed through your SIFONAVI password. In addition, the beneficiary can collect their CERAD through the Fonavista service platforms nationwide.

According to the Association of Fonavistas of Peru, the leaders and representatives in the Ad Hoc Commission will provide information, tomorrow Wednesday starting at 10:30 am in Plaza San Martin, about those beneficiaries of legal age who did not come out in the last list, despite not having charged a single sol in previous returns.

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This way you can check how much you have to collect from Fonavi according to the schedule with the last digit of the DNI. – Credit Infobae/Paula Elizalde

“In this historic plaza for Fonavistas, information will also be provided about the activation of partial payment to 71,400 Fonavistas and their relatives who could not collect despite being part of the partial payment lists from 1 to 19,” said the Fonavista representation.

“The next payment group is already being worked on, as well as the delays in the inclusion of the 338,000 Fonavistas, who cannot be excluded, because as has already been demonstrated, said Fonavistas were not benefited from Fonavi money. , whose fund is your property. No one, according to Art No. 70 of the Political Constitution, can have their property confiscated,” they indicated.

  • Access the website through the link “Registration Status consultation module” provided by the Fonavi Technical Secretariat.
  • Fill out the form with the type and number of your identity document, such as DNI, immigration card or electoral booklet.
  • Enter the verification code that appears on the screen.
  • Click on “Check” to find out if you are registered and a beneficiary.

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