Home » Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro denies harassing a whale

Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro denies harassing a whale

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Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro denies harassing a whale

Brazilian Police Investigate Former President Jair Bolsonaro Over Allegations of Whale Harassment

Police in Brazil are investigating former President Jair Bolsonaro over allegations that he harassed a humpback whale during a boat trip off the northern coast of the state of Sao Paulo last June. Bolsonaro admitted to getting close to the whale but denied disturbing the animal.

In an interview with CNN Brasil, Bolsonaro expressed confusion over the investigation, stating, “No one can understand why I am being investigated by the Federal Police for harassment of whales.” Video footage on social media showed a boat, suspected to have been carrying Bolsonaro, approaching within 15 meters of a humpback whale with its engine running.

Bolsonaro defended his actions, claiming that he maintained a safe distance from the whale and did not bother the animal in any way. He labeled the investigation as “political” and part of a “relentless persecution” against him.

The former president has faced legal challenges in the past, including a ban on running for political office until 2030 due to abuse of power during the 2022 election campaign. Following his loss in the election to leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Bolsonaro’s supporters rioted in Brasilia, leading to accusations of inciting violence, which he denies.

Bolsonaro spoke to CNN Brasil from a hospital in Sao Paulo, where he was undergoing tests related to injuries sustained during a stabbing incident in 2018. The investigation into the whale encounter continues as authorities probe the details of the incident.

See also  Brazil, Bolsonaro on vacation on a jet ski while Bahia is overwhelmed by floods

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