Home » FrieslandCampina fined €561,000 for infant formula

FrieslandCampina fined €561,000 for infant formula

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Fine 561,000 euros is imposed by a decision of the Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekasat FRISLANDKABINA HELLAS S.A. (Friesland Campina)a dairy products company, for violation of article 54 of Law 5045/29-07-2023 regarding the reduction of unfair profit-making phenomena, following checks carried out by the Interagency Market Control Unit (DIMEA).

After the relevant checks in a number of codes, it was found that FrieslandCampina in nine of them, including codes corresponding to baby milk products, achieved greater profit margins than what is allowed by Greek legislation.

Skrekas to fine FrieslandCampina: “Cracking the profiteering in baby milk is our duty”

The Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekas, said about the fine to FrieslandCampina: “What we say, we mean it. Today we announced a high fine against one of the most well-known companies specializing in, among other things, baby milk. The control mechanisms of the Ministry of Development are in constant readiness.

No unfair profiteering practices will be tolerated. Supporting the family is a priority for our government. It is our duty to crack down on profiteering in baby milk, as evidenced by the new measures voted by the Parliament.”

“Fines for profiteering are being collected”

According to the data submitted to Parliament on Monday by the Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekas, the fines imposed on businesses in 2023 for unfair profiteering amount to 12.8 million euros.

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Responding to a topical question by PASOK-Movement of Change MP, G. Nikitiadis, about bribery, Mr. Skrekas said that in 2023, 25,267 checks were carried out, 1,865 violations were found, fines of 12,806,000 euros were imposed and 10,149,000 have been confirmed or paid. euros, i.e. a percentage that exceeds 80%. And of course, he noted, the rest of the fines that have been imposed recently will be confirmed, (while) there is a time delay of about two months until it is seen whether the fines will be paid by the companies with excesses or if they will finally be confirmed to the Tax Office for collection .

Mr. Skrekas also filed proof of payment from Jacobs, €1 million, from Procter and Gamble, also €1 million, and Unilever’s certification decision, “so that you can see that the fines are both imposed and collected by the Greek State, and this is a deterrent for them to repeat this tactic.”

Regarding the products on which the fines were imposed, Mr. Skrekas said that “we do not want to destroy either the products or the companies. We want to make them comply with the law. All the media, when we imposed the fines, reported the products sold by the companies that were fined.”

“From here on,” added the Minister of Development, “we have a code, e.g. 24 measures of a particular brand, which has been audited and found to have no problem of unfair profiteering. Another code, which may be 48 bars, may have (problem). That’s why law 5545, article 54 comes and says it will be announced who the offender is, because we want the company to stop speculating, but it does not specifically mention an analysis, for each product code, because there we could wrong product codes, the that have complied with the law, and product codes that have not.

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That’s why we come and grab the “umbrella” of the company that sells these products and announce who they are. Because it is not only the fines of millions of euros, which I presented to you and testified that they have paid. It is also the defamation of the company when its name is announced, and this is what makes it go to fix the prices on the shelf.

Because that is our purpose. It is not to destroy products, many of which do their job well. Our aim is to make these products cheaper for the consumer. This is our purpose. And we achieve this, because every time we announce fines, we see that companies come and reduce these prices on the shelves.”

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