Home » FrieslandCampina fined €561,000 for toddler method

FrieslandCampina fined €561,000 for toddler method

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Fine 561,000 euros is imposed by a call of the Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekasat FRISLANDKABINA HELLAS S.A. (Friesland Campina)a dairy merchandise firm, for violation of article 54 of Law 5045/29-07-2023 concerning the discount of unfair profit-making phenomena, following checks carried out by the Interagency Market Control Unit (DIMEA).

After the related controls in quite a few codes, it was discovered that FrieslandCampina in 9 of them, together with codes akin to child milk merchandise, achieved better revenue margins than what’s allowed by Greek laws.

Skrekas to tremendous FrieslandCampina: “Cracking the profiteering in child milk is our responsibility”

The Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekas, mentioned in regards to the tremendous to FrieslandCampina: “What we are saying, we imply it. Today we introduced a excessive tremendous in opposition to one of the crucial well-known corporations specializing in, amongst different issues, child milk. The management mechanisms of the Ministry of Development are in fixed readiness.

No unfair profiteering practices shall be tolerated. Supporting the household is a precedence for our authorities. It is our responsibility to crack down on profiteering in child milk, as evidenced by the brand new measures voted by the Parliament.”

“Fines for profiteering are being collected”

According to the information submitted to Parliament on Monday by the Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekas, the fines imposed on companies in 2023 for unfair profiteering quantity to 12.8 million euros.

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Responding to a topical query by PASOK-Movement of Change MP, G. Nikitiadis, about bribery, Mr. Skrekas mentioned that in 2023, 25,267 checks had been carried out, 1,865 violations had been discovered, fines of 12,806,000 euros had been imposed and 10,149,000 have been confirmed or paid. euros, i.e. a share that exceeds 80%. And in fact, he famous, the remainder of the fines which were imposed lately shall be confirmed, (whereas) there’s a time delay of about two months till it’s seen whether or not the fines shall be paid by the businesses with excesses or they’ll lastly be confirmed to the Tax Office for assortment .

Mr. Skrekas additionally filed proof of cost from Jacobs, €1 million, from Procter and Gamble, additionally €1 million, and Unilever’s certification resolution, “to be able to see that the fines are each imposed and picked up by the Greek State, and this can be a deterrent for them to repeat this tactic.”

Regarding the merchandise on which the fines had been imposed, Mr. Skrekas mentioned that “we don’t need to destroy both the merchandise or the businesses. We need to make them adjust to the legislation. All the media, after we imposed the fines, reported the merchandise bought by the businesses that had been fined.”

“From right here on,” added the Minister of Development, “we’ve got a code, e.g. 24 measures of a specific model, which has been audited and located to don’t have any drawback of unfair profiteering. Another code, which can be 48 bars, could have (drawback). That’s why legislation 5545, article 54 comes and says it will likely be introduced who the offender is, as a result of we would like the corporate to cease profiteering, however it doesn’t particularly point out an evaluation, for every product code, as a result of there we might incorrect product codes, the which have complied with the legislation, and product codes that haven’t.

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That’s why we come and seize the “umbrella” of the corporate that sells these merchandise and announce who they’re. Because it’s not solely the fines of hundreds of thousands of euros, which I introduced to you and testified that they’ve paid. It can be the defamation of the corporate when its identify is introduced, and that is what makes it go to repair the costs on the shelf.

Because that’s our goal. It is to not destroy merchandise, lots of which do their job nicely. Our intention is to make these merchandise cheaper for the buyer. This is our goal. And we obtain this, as a result of each time we announce fines, we see that corporations come and cut back these costs on the cabinets.”

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