Home » Ganjar lost badly where Soekarno sued the Dutch

Ganjar lost badly where Soekarno sued the Dutch

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Ganjar lost badly where Soekarno sued the Dutch


The Indonesia Sues Building (GIM), located on Jalan Perintis Independen, Bandung City, was used by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Soekarno, to sue the Netherlands as a voting location (TPS).

There were four TPS established there which were used by residents of Babakan Ciamis Village, Sumur Bandung. The four polling stations include TPS 18, 19, 20 and 21.

TPS 18 uses the main hall corridor, TPS 19 uses the left wing hall corridor, TPS 20 uses the right wing hall corridor and TPS 21 uses the canteen area.
Even though they are close to Soekarno, here Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud Md lost to the other two candidate pairs. In fact, candidate pair number three received less than 50 votes in the four polling stations.



Here are the details:

TPS 18

Voice mail: 257
Sah: 254
Invalid: 3

No 1: 118
No 2: 92
No 3: 44

TPS 20

Voice Mail: 256
Sah: 251
Invalid: 5

No 1: 115
No 2: 100
No 3: 36

TPS 19

Voice Mail: 239
Sah: 234
Invalid: 5

No 1: 94
No 2: 102
No 3: 38

TPS 21

Voice Mail: 242
Sah: 239
Invalid: 3

No 1: 90
No 2: 111
No 3: 38

Chairman of KPPS 20 Yuyus said that the voting process at his polling station which was held at GIM went smoothly.

“Hopefully the elections will run peacefully, KPPS members will be healthy, no one will get sick,” he said.

Yuyus also hopes that Indonesian leaders in the next five years can make Indonesia better and for election participants who lose to remain patient.

“Congratulations to those who won and those who lost accepted it, agreed and the government ran well and smoothly,” he concluded.

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