Home » Getting to know Kunti Sukabumi Island which cannot be visited

Getting to know Kunti Sukabumi Island which cannot be visited

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Getting to know Kunti Sukabumi Island which cannot be visited

BOGOR-RADAR BOGOR, Starting in early 2024, the Kunti Island tourist area which is included in the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Unesco Global Geopark (CPUGGp) area in Mandrajaya Village, Ciemas District, Sukabumi Regency, will be prohibited for tourists.

Kunti Island is included in the Cibanteng Nature Reserve area or Cikepuh wildlife forest. In fact, these two locations are sought after by tourists, both local and foreign.

This prohibition is based on the results of the coordination meeting for the management of Pasir Putih Beach and Kunti Island at the Mandrajaya Village office, at the end of 2023.

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Pualu Kunti is famous for its beauty and uniqueness in the Ciletuh Geopark area or Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Unesco Global Geopark (CPUGGp).

For a long time, Kunti Island has been one of the favorite areas for local and foreign tourists, but unfortunately starting from the beginning of 2024, tourists will no longer be allowed to enter.

Not only tourists, but also local people are prohibited from entering. The closure of the Kunti Island area was carried out based on the decision of the coordination meeting for the management of Kunti Island and Pasir Putih Beach at the Mandrajaya Village office.

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The meeting was attended by the Head of the Cikepuh Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA), Head of the ESDM Section of the Sukabumi Regency Government, the CPUGGp Management Agency, and tourism business actors in related fields.

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The decision to close the Kunti Island area was motivated by the function of the area which is actually included in the Nature Reserve area. It is hoped that the implemented ban will minimize negative impacts on the island and the surrounding ecosystem.

Apart from Kunti Island, another area that tourists are no longer allowed to visit is Pasir Putih Beach. Kunti Island, is a small plain in the Ciletuh Geopark area, Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi Regency.

The name Kunti Island is taken from the figure of the native Indonesian devil Kuntilanak. Meanwhile, the term kunti comes from the sound of women’s laughter which is often heard on the island.

For those of you who want to explore the beauty of Kunti Island and find out the mysteries within it, now you have to look away. Because the island, which holds a wealth of beauty and is full of mysteries, is no longer allowed to be visited. (***)

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