Home » Grocery, Bisphenol | Inger Lise had too much dangerous substance in her body

Grocery, Bisphenol | Inger Lise had too much dangerous substance in her body

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Grocery, Bisphenol |  Inger Lise had too much dangerous substance in her body

The online newspaper: Over two days, Inger-Lise Blyverket participated in an experiment.

She was supposed to eat and drink more from canned goods than usual: For example, drinking soda or beer from a can. She also used more canned food, such as coconut milk and tinned tomatoes. And she ate ready-made food, like tinned stew.

In just these two days, the amount of the substance bisphenol A in Inger-Lise’s body increased sharply. It was almost doubled.

This substance has been warned against for many years, and the warnings have become increasingly clear.

The National Institute of Public Health writes on its website that bisphenol A is “suspected of having harmful effects on, among other things, the nervous system, reproduction (fertility and pregnancy) and behaviour. In addition, it is possible that the substance has effects on obesity and regulation of blood sugar”.

– I had high levels before, and they went up even more after I went on the diet, says Inger Lise Blyverket.

Want a ban

Inger Lise Blyverket is not a random test subject. She is director of the Consumer Council, and joined the test to focus on bisphenol in food, which she wants banned.

– It has long been known that this is a very problematic substance and the plan was to phase it out by 2020. Now the documentation is so strong and clear, says Blyverket.

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A new risk assessment from the EU’s food safety body indicates how much bisphenol A it is acceptable to ingest during a day. The limit is 0.2 nanograms per kilogram of body weight.

When Inger-Lise was on a diet, she was up to 34 nanograms per kilogram of body weight. It’s way too high. But perhaps even more interesting. She had far too high values ​​before the diet started.

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– What surprised me the most was that I had high values ​​even before the diet started, says Blyverket.

Worried about the children

– I don’t eat a lot of canned food, but I use canned tomatoes, beans and coconut milk, for example. And sometimes ready-made food, canned stew for example. And I occasionally drink soda or beer from a can, but not that often, she says.

The measurements taken before she started the diet showed that she had 94 times higher levels of bisphenol in her body than what is considered safe.

She doesn’t think she’s the only one who feels this way.

– Most people probably have a level that is far too high, and what particularly worries me is that it also applies to children, says Blyverket.

She points out that the Institute of Public Health has demonstrated that almost all 7-14 year olds in Norway have too high levels of bisphenol A in their bodies.

– There is no reason for Norway to wait

Bisphenol is already banned from being used in products such as baby bottles, teat cups and other plastic items aimed at children.

But the EU will take a stronger stance and has proposed a ban on all types of bisphenols. But the Lead Agency believes it will take a couple of years before it will come into force.

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– There is no reason for Norway to wait for that. It is the Norwegian government that can take the initiative, and then the Storting must finally pass a ban, she says.

She believes that a ban is necessary and that you can’t just bet on the industry sorting itself out.

– When there is a ban, we know that the rate of innovation in the industry increases so that good alternatives are found.

Difference between women and men

Inger Lise was not the only one who went on a diet. So did Truls Gulowsen. He is a leader in the Nature Conservancy. His bisphenol values ​​also rose sharply. And also in his case, levels above what is considered safe were measured both before and after the diet.

But he still had far lower levels than what was measured with Inger Lise.

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One explanation could be make-up.

Bisphenol is common in many types of make-up and is absorbed through the skin.

Truls Gulowsen wants a ban on all types of bisphenols.

– Bisphenols are documented hormone-mimicking chemicals, which therefore affect both humans and other organisms negatively, and which break down slowly in the environment. Therefore, the substance should be banned, he says.

Particularly vulnerable

– Is it possible to single out animal species that are particularly vulnerable?

– Most research has been done on humans, but there is no reason to believe that animals, birds and aquatic organisms are not also affected by bisphenols. The substances are washed out of the body through urine, and continue to the sea.

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– Can we already see negative results in nature as a result of bisphenol?

– Exactly whether it is bisphenol that has an effect is difficult to prove, but both seabirds, fish and other organisms are struggling, and chemical alkalis such as bisphenols are part of the cause.

Tested 14 types of food and drink

The Consumer Council has tested 14 types of canned food and drink all of which were found to have traces of bisphenol. Among them are Coca Cola, Solo, Mutti tomatoes and canned stew.

Some of the manufacturers say they are in the process of cutting out bisphenol, while others say they comply with the regulations.

Mills, which is known for, among other things, mayonnaise in a tube, is a manufacturer that has completely eliminated bisphenol from all its products.

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– Optimizing our packaging solutions is an important part of this work. Mills currently has no products on the Norwegian market with packaging that contains bisphenol, communications manager Kirsti Johannesen tells Nettavisen.

The largest food industry giant, Orkla, has cut out bisphenol in many products.

– However, we are in the process of changing the packaging for our canned dinners as well, and then our entire portfolio will be free of bisphenol, says communications director at Orkla Foods.

– This is an issue we take very seriously, and we have worked systematically over several years to safely switch to alternative packaging, he says.

He says they should be on target during the summer.

– This is painstaking work that has taken time, not least because these are long-lasting products where we have to be sure that the new packaging is good throughout the product’s shelf life, says Stokken.

Coca Cola has this brief comment:

– We always comply with current regulations and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and follow developments in the area, says communications director at Coca Cola Norway.

Solo, which is among the products tested, is made by Ringnes.

– We are aware of the various concerns that have been raised about bisphenol A in recent years, says spokesperson Nicolay Bruusgaard.

He says they are keen to offer safe products and that they have taken note of the statement from the EU’s food safety authority.

– We work together with our packaging suppliers to ensure that we can comply with the new regulation, says Bruusgaard.

In Mutti, canned tomatoes also tested positive for bisphenol in the Consumer Council’s test. Nettavisen has been in contact with Oluf Lorentzen as importer. They did not wish to comment.

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