Home » Guinea: Marcel Guilavogui retracts and promises to tell the whole truth about the massacre of September 28, 2009 ~ Facely & You

Guinea: Marcel Guilavogui retracts and promises to tell the whole truth about the massacre of September 28, 2009 ~ Facely & You

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Guinea: Marcel Guilavogui retracts and promises to tell the whole truth about the massacre of September 28, 2009 ~ Facely & You

In Guinea, the trial of the massacre of September 28, 2009 resumed Monday, July 10 after weeks of interruption following the strike of lawyers and prison guards. In his speech, Captain Marcel Guilavogui, a former member of the presidential guard, charges his former boss, Moussa Dadis Camara, whom he accuses of being the organizer of the killings at the September 28 stadium.


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Nearly ten months after its opening, the trial of the events of September 28 has not finished revealing all its secrets. This Monday, as the trial resumed with the continuation of the hearing of the civil parties, a finger rises in the box of the accused. This is Captain Marcel Guilavogui. He had had time to speak at the start of the trial but decided to return to “restore the truth”. Despite the opposition of Captain Dadis’s lawyers, the court decides to listen to him again.

The man who denied all the charges against him during his first appearance finally decides to let go. He begins by specifying that he is one of the significant players in the 2008 putsch which brought Captain Dadis to power.

Dadis, the organizer of the September 28 massacre?

For Marcel, Moussa Dadis Camara is the one who planned stadium events. He accuses him of having created and maintained a parallel guard which would be at the origin of the abuses committed at the stadium. He cites names like Joseph MaKambo (in charge of operations), Gono Sangaré (private steward and secret man, according to him, of President Dadis), Beugré (Commander of the Koundara camp), Théodore who would be very close to the former president of the transition. Marcel also adds that he was with him in Ouagadougou. He also indicates that he heard Moussa Dadis say to “subdue” the demonstrators. These, he said, were supported by men who wore jerseys and others cowrie shells and bladed weapons.

Marcel also reveals that President Dadis had left Camp Alpha Yaya Diallo that day to go to the stadium. A version that the principal concerned had pushed into touch during his appearance. But for Marcel, it is obvious.

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Captain Marcel Guilavogui, former element of the presidential guard at the helm Monday July 10, 2023

He admits having gone to the stadium and having a grenade at the clinic

If he continues to deny his involvement in the violence against demonstrators and political leaders, Marcel nevertheless admits having been at the stadium that day in search of his boss. This one would have exceeded him at his home while he was with his dad on the terrace. “My dad asked me to go join the president,” he said. And on the way, he says he met a friend who confirmed to him that the president went out with Makambo, his operations manager. “I asked this friend if the president is with Toumba. He replied that it was after he saw Toumba also go out with a civilian. So that’s what motivated me to join them. »

Another fact that Marcel Guilavogui recognizes is his presence at the Ambroise Paré clinic where, according to several civil parties and even the accused, he threatened to blow up his grenade while political leaders were receiving first aid. The accused does not agree with this version. He states that he took out the grenade not to threaten political leaders but to try to arrest Colonel Moussa Tiégboro Camara.

He asks the former head of the junta to take responsibility for what he did because “you are at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of what happened at the September 28 stadium. »

A story of money and villa behind these revelations?

This is what Me Pépé Antoine Lama, one of the advisers of Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, invited this Tuesday in a program on radio Espace Guinea. For him, his client is the victim of harassment for having refused to accede to the request of his “nephew”. The latter would have threatened to make revelations if he did not obtain 300 million GNF (31,778€) and a villa.

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Me Pépé Antoine Lama, lawyer Moussa Dadis Camara

The lawyer goes far in his accusations and points the finger without naming them, technicians of Aboubacar Sidiki Diakité alias ”Toumba” (former aide-de-camp of Dadis). According to him, it was the latter who wrote Marcel’s communication. Me Antoine also recalls that Toumba and Marcel have a long history. “Toumba was the Regiment Commander and Marcel was his deputy”, he accuses. To prove the complicity between the two, he evokes similarities in particular in the way of speaking, of dressing and even in the structure of the text and the tone used.

After a few minutes of debate, this Tuesday’s hearing was postponed to Wednesday July 12, 2023 due to the state of health of Commander Aboubacar Sidiki Camara, one of the accused.

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