Home » Happy Father’s Day! Beautiful and short phrases to congratulate on WhatsApp | LOS40

Happy Father’s Day! Beautiful and short phrases to congratulate on WhatsApp | LOS40

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Happy Father’s Day!  Beautiful and short phrases to congratulate on WhatsApp |  LOS40

There are dates on the calendar that are for memory. We have many of them well highlighted in our agendas, such as birthdays, anniversaries or vacations, because we all like a good long weekend, like Easter. But there are other days that are more familiar and are made to give thanks to our loved ones. Mother’s Day is one of them and it is also a date that we all remember, since although each year it falls on different days, it is always celebrated on the first Sunday in May.

But before this, there is Father’s Day, which this year falls on Tuesday, March 19. And, what better way to celebrate and honor our father figure than by sending him a special message on this special day. Here at LOS40 we give you some ideas to avoid falling into the typical ‘Happy Father’s Day’. Aim!

Phrases and congratulations for Father’s Day 2024

Short phrases for Father’s Day

  • Thank you dad for helping give me life. Good day!
  • I just need to know that you are there to feel safe and secure.
  • To you, dearest dad, for being a real superhero
  • There is no better day than this to remind you how much I love you.
  • Thank you for teaching me to walk through life hand in hand. Congratulations, dad!
  • A good father is worth more than a school with a hundred teachers.
  • Congratulations, dad! If you didn’t exist I would invent you or maybe not because I wouldn’t exist.
  • There is no empire or galaxy with a father like you. Happy day Dad!
  • Dad, you were and always will be my prince charming. Happy Father’s Day!
  • I have a hero who can do anything, his name is dad
  • Thank you for teaching me to walk through life hand in hand. Congratulations, dad!
  • It’s not easy being a parent, but you make it seem that way. Congratulations!
  • Thank you for giving me the greatest gift anyone can give: believing in me.
  • Thank you dad, only you give me everything without asking for anything in return. Happy Father’s Day!
  • “A father carries photos where his money used to be.” Steve Martin
  • Thank you, dad, for not telling me how to live. You lived and taught me by your example
  • You make this family fun. We love you, dad
  • Dad, thank you for all the things you do for this family every day. You’re the best
  • I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king
  • Behind every great son is a truly amazing father.
  • I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. Thanks Dad
  • Happy Father’s Day from your favorite pain in the ass
  • Happy Father’s Day! You did great: I came out perfect
  • The older I get, the smarter my dad seems to get.
  • Dad: A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love
  • The power of a father in a child’s life is incomparable.
  • Dad, I have a secret. You’re my favorite. Please don’t tell mom
  • A father is someone you admire no matter how tall you grow.
  • You are lucky to be my father because no one loves you like I do.
  • Dad, I wish I had inherited your ability to put me to sleep anytime, anywhere.
  • Dear dad, thank you for always saying yes when mom said no.
  • A father’s love is pure and unconditional (John Legend)
  • My father is my best friend and always will be (Cher Lloyd)
  • Today, the king of the house is you. Happy Father’s Day!
  • Father there is only one and like mine, none
  • A father like you can’t even find it on Google! Happy Father’s Day
  • There are many superheroes, but a superdad, only you
  • “There is no word or brush that can express a father’s love.” Mateo Alemán
  • You always tell me that you brought me into the world, but my world is you, dad
  • “The dream of the hero is to be great everywhere and small next to his father” Victor Hugo
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    Phrases to congratulate Father’s Day / Carol Yepes

    Expand Beautiful phrases for Father’s Day

  • “I think who we become depends on what our parents teach us in curious moments, when they are not trying to teach us. We are formed by little bits of wisdom.” Umberto Eco
  • A father is someone who supports you when you cry, who scolds you when you break the rules, who beams with pride when you succeed, and who has faith in you, even when you don’t.
  • Having you as a father is the best gift in the world. You give the gift on Father’s Day to me by existing. Congratulations!
  • “No man I have ever known could match my father and I have never loved any other man more.” Hedy Lamarr
  • “Having a child is like falling in love for the first time at age 12, but every day.” Michael Myers
  • Being a father is: laughing, crying, suffering, waiting… thank you for the opportunity to have a father like you every day. Happy Father’s Day!
  • “Anyone can have a child. That doesn’t make you a parent. It’s the value of raising a child that makes you a parent.” Barack Obama
  • “My father always gave me a safe place to land and a solid place to take off from.” Chelsea Clinton
  • Fate has made us be family, but you have made sure that we are soulmates
  • Thank you, thank you and thank you, a thousand times. For everything and therefore. For being you and for being by my side when I didn’t even know I needed it so much. Happy Father’s Day
  • I know that I can count on your love and wisdom to instruct me. Thanks for always being with me. Happy Father’s Day!
  • I know I don’t say it enough, so today I’ll say it as many times as necessary: ​​Thank you for everything, dad.
  • A good father is one of the least recognized, least praised, most unnoticed, and yet most valuable assets in our society.
  • It’s cool how we both know some things are true without even having to say them out loud, like I’m your favorite child.
  • “Do not avoid life’s difficulties for your children, rather teach them to overcome them.” Louis Pasteur
  • You are the one who inspires me every day to be a better person. congratulations dad
  • Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but luckily mine came with a Dad… Endless thanks to you my Father!
  • If life let me choose, I wouldn’t change you for the world. I love you Papa
  • A father is not the one who gives life, that would be too easy, a father is the one who gives love (Denis Lord)
  • You are the perfect example of what it means to be a loving father. I admire you more every day
  • Your teachings and advice have shaped my life in a positive way. Today I celebrate an exemplary father
  • Your hugs are my refuge, and your smile illuminates my life. Thank you for being such a wonderful father. Happy Father’s Day
  • You are my first superhero and my greatest inspiration. I love you with all my heart. Happy Father’s Day
  • Your tireless efforts and unbreakable will show how much you love your children. Happy Father’s Day to the most feisty dad
  • You are a true warrior who faces any obstacle for the well-being of your children. Happy Father’s Day to the hero of our lives
  • Father, the more I think about it, the more I want to thank you for everything you did for me. Thank you! Happy Father’s Day!
  • Being a father is the only profession in which the title is granted first and the career is later
  • You are the best father in the world because you continue to spoil me despite your famous “I had it harder at your age.” I love you Papa!
  • Being a father is planting and putting down roots, it is teaching life holding hands, with courage and determination. Happy Father’s Day
  • Your teachings and advice have shaped my life in a positive way. Today I celebrate an exemplary father
  • “My father always said that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard enough.” Katee Sackhoff
  • Dad, you are the first person I look for when I have a question, thank you for always being there
  • Fathers are the most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers and singers of songs.
  • A good father is one of the most forgotten, despised, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.
  • Money does not bring happiness, nor do material things: happiness is having a father like you and that is priceless.
  • With affection and a lot of drive I can call everyone that there is no father like mine
  • A good father is one of the most forgotten, despised, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society (Billy Graham)
  • Dad, you are the bravest person I have ever met. You have shown me how to be strong in heart, mind and soul and, above all, how to be true to myself.
  • “My father was my teacher. But the most important thing was that he was a great father.” Beau Bridges
  • My dad is a man like no other. He gave me life, raised me, taught me, dressed me, fought for me, hugged me, yelled at me, kissed me. But the most important thing is that he loved me unconditionally.
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