Home » Headquarters reporter observes丨The United States wants to consolidate its relationship with Saudi Arabia and its influence will decline.

Headquarters reporter observes丨The United States wants to consolidate its relationship with Saudi Arabia and its influence will decline.

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Headquarters reporter observes丨The United States wants to consolidate its relationship with Saudi Arabia and its influence will decline.

Against the background of the easing of relations among many countries in the Middle East, the United States is obviously “unable to sit still”. The U.S. State Department announced that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia from June 6 to 8. And just last month, Sullivan, the US President’s assistant for national security affairs, just visited Saudi Arabia. In one month, the United States made two high-level visits to Saudi Arabia. What is the purpose behind this? Can the United States achieve its goal?

  Headquarters reporter Zhang Yaning:The U.S. State Department said in a brief press release that during the visit, Blinken will participate in the ministerial meeting of the U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council to discuss cooperation between the U.S. and the GCC countries in areas such as security, stability, and economy in the Middle East. Some analysts pointed out that the main purpose of US Secretary of State Blinken’s visit this time is to repair relations during the sensitive period of deepening differences and distrust between the US and Saudi Arabia, so as to strengthen the US’ control over countries in the region for its own benefit. However, a series of recent events have shown that the influence of the United States in regional countries, especially Saudi Arabia, continues to decline, which may cast a shadow over Blinken’s visit.

  Headquarters reporter Zhang Yaning:The huge difference between the United States and Saudi Arabia is that after the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States hopes that Saudi Arabia will increase oil production and stabilize oil prices. Saudi Arabia not only refused to increase production, but decided to cut production, which caused the United States to be unhappy. In May of this year, Saudi Arabia began to implement a voluntary cut of crude oil production by 500,000 barrels per day. On the 4th of this month, after the “OPEC+” meeting, the Saudi Ministry of Petroleum announced that from July onwards, Saudi Arabia’s voluntary cuts in crude oil production will increase by another 1 million barrels per day for a period of one month, and may also be considered for extension. After two voluntary production cuts, Saudi crude oil production will be reduced to 9 million barrels per day by July this year.

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Analysts: Saudi Arabia is increasingly pursuing autonomous policies

Analysts pointed out that Saudi Arabia’s move shows that Saudi Arabia is increasingly pursuing independent policies in terms of political and economic policies. Some analysts also pointed out that Saudi Arabia’s reduction of crude oil production is also due to the impact of excessive currency issuance by the United States. On the one hand, the international economic situation and oil demand are not optimistic; Take steps to balance oil prices to protect yourself.

责编:杨煜 ]

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