Home » Hollywood star’s daughter reveals diagnosis

Hollywood star’s daughter reveals diagnosis

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Hollywood star’s daughter reveals diagnosis

Tallulah Willis (30), daughter of actor Bruce Willis (69), reveals that she has been diagnosed with autism.

She shares that in an older video on Instagram.

In the video, Bruce holds his daughter, while the latter touches her father’s head and ear repeatedly.

– Tell me you have autism, without telling me you have autism, jokes the 30-year-old in the post.

In the comments section, she is praised by her followers, where one also asks if she was diagnosed as a child.

Then the 30-year-old answers the following:

– This is actually the first time I have shared my diagnosis with the public. I found out this summer and it changed my life.

In February this year, it became known that the Hollywood star, Bruce Willis, has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, which is a common term for dementia caused by damage to the front part of the brain.

Last spring, it also became known that he had received the diagnosis aphasia. According to the same encyclopedia, it is a failure in the ability to use and understand words.

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