Home » HRW Calls on South American and European Governments to Prioritize Human Rights in Nicaragua at EU-CELAC Summit

HRW Calls on South American and European Governments to Prioritize Human Rights in Nicaragua at EU-CELAC Summit

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HRW Calls on South American and European Governments to Prioritize Human Rights in Nicaragua at EU-CELAC Summit

Title: Human Rights Watch Urges Action on Nicaragua at EU-CELAC Summit

Subtitle: South American and European governments called upon to prioritize human rights situation in Nicaragua

Date: [Current Date]

Nicaragua – Ahead of the upcoming EU-CELAC summit, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on governments in South America and Europe to prioritize the human rights situation in Nicaragua. The director of HRW for the Americas, Juanita Goebertus, emphasized the need for a firm and sustained response from democratic governments to address the ongoing crisis in the Central American country.

In a letter signed by around 160 victims of the Daniel Ortega regime’s repression, the HRW’s appeal to the EU-CELAC summit to address the situation has gained further support. Notable figures supporting the initiative include exiled Nicaraguans, former political prisoners, writers, journalists, and politicians who have experienced the regime’s persecution firsthand.

Over the years, the Ortega regime has intensified its crackdown on dissenting voices, resulting in arbitrary detentions, prosecutions, expulsions, and the deprivation of nationality and property for many.

Goebertus called upon Latin American and European governments to unite and establish a joint strategy to address the Nicaraguan crisis. She emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “The Nicaraguan people have no more time to waste.”

In a separate development, the Nicaraguan regime announced the annulment of the legal personality of the Casa Ave María Association, a religious organization that had been operating for 33 years. The association’s assets have been ordered to be expropriated. The decision was based on the Ministry of the Interior’s claim of non-compliance with laws, including the expired board of directors and failure to report financial statements.

Not limited to Casa Ave María, other Catholic organizations, such as the Fundación Fraternidad Pobres de Jesucristo and the Association of the Daughters of Saint Louise de Marillac in the Holy Spirit, have also faced similar action. These organizations were dedicated to serving the poor, providing food, clothing, and prayer, but have now been outlawed and expropriated by the Nicaraguan regime.

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Relations between the Ortega regime and the Catholic Church have been marked by tension, with the expulsion and imprisonment of priests, the prohibition of religious activities, and the suspension of diplomatic relations. Pope Francis has previously referred to the regime as a “rude dictatorship,” highlighting the imbalance of power within the country.

As the international community prepares for the EU-CELAC summit, the plea for urgent action on the human rights crisis in Nicaragua grows louder. The focus now rests on the response from South American and European governments and the measures they will take to address the ongoing repression in the country.

Further updates on the persecution in Nicaragua and the Catholic Church’s involvement are expected to be revealed in the near future.

[End of Article]

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