Home » Hugo Chavez has tried many ways to make history. Eventually he succeeded

Hugo Chavez has tried many ways to make history. Eventually he succeeded

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Hugo Chavez has tried many ways to make history.  Eventually he succeeded

On March 5, five years have passed since the Commander’s earthly disappearance Hugo Chaveza great revolutionary who left his mark on the history of Venezuela, Latin America and the world. Equipped with deep strategic thinking and lively tactical flexibility, Chavez has tried more than one road to make history and in the end he succeeded.

Glue first armed struggle and the popular insurrection which saw a combination of popular mobilization and the pronouncement of units of the Armed Forces. Then, this attempt failed, thanks to which he had nevertheless acquired an enormous popularity among the Venezuelan people, presenting themselves in the presidential elections to be elected and then profoundly develop a new Constitution democratic and anti-imperialist.

The forces of internal and international reaction certainly did not stand by and watch, but in the days of April 2002, the people and the Armed Forces defeated the putschistssupported by the worst rulers existing on the world scene, such as Bush Jr., who would soon be guilty of the still unpunished aggression againstIraqwith its entourage of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and the Spanish conservative Aznarpaired with the corrupt monarch Juan Carlosboth eager to somehow restore neocolonial control over the Latin American country.

From then until his death Chavez knew how to be not only the favorite leader of his people but also a fundamental point of reference for the forces of change at an international level, giving, among other things, an impetus to the relaunch of Latin American integration with the creation of new structures such as Alba and Celac.

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The same internal and international forces that had attempted the coup in 2002 tried to take advantage of his earthly disappearance to to block the Venezuelan revolutionary process, and they did so by focusing on unjustified sanctions how seriously harmful to the fundamental rights of the Venezuelan people and on the unleashing of mercenaries organized in terrorist gangs, obtaining among other things the more or less disinterested support of a large part of the so-called free press of the Western countriesready to turn the tables, by passing off the Chavista victims as anti-Chavistas, as the Italian newspapers did on more than one occasion.

But the slanders against Madurowhich has taken the place of Chavez on the explicit indication of the Commander, and his government, scattered with both hands without shame by platoons of pennivendoli firmly established as gatekeeper in the major international media, have certainly not alienated to the chavismo the sympathies of the Venezuelan people, who in fact confirmed their vote for Psuv, the party of Chavez and Maduro, in practically all the numerous electoral appointments that have taken place in the country in all these years.

The ridiculous figure of Juan Guaidoa sort of homunculus produced in test tubes by the CIA and the State Department, aroused the growing hilarity of all the people warned at the minimum, until it ingloriously disappeared into the shadows, not without having squandered a good part of the millions and millions on unidentified expenses of dollars received from Uncle Sam.

Despite the aggression suffered all these years and the sanctions that continue, today Venezuela and its people I am still standing and they can show flattering figures relating to the economy and above all to the satisfaction of fundamental social rights, while the construction of the democracy participatory. However, it must be said how scandalously the sanctions continue, completely unjustified, through which some Western countries, such as the United States and Great Britain, have piratedly seized the properties and companies of the Venezuelan government and people.

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While the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saabwhich was successfully moving to find alternatives to trade channels blocked by the sanctions, has been kidnapped by the US services while he was in transit in Cape Verde and detained in the United States on generic and unfounded charges. The recovery of normality in international relations, today seriously jeopardized by the war in Ukraine which a peaceful and quickly negotiated solution must be found at all costs, also includes the immediate abolition of the sanctions against Venezuela and the release of Alex Saab.

This is the best way to celebrate the great revolutionary Hugo Chavez who, by creating the socialism of the 21st century, gave new perspectives to humanity at a time when Fukuyama &co. (who, moreover, would seem to have changed their minds in the meantime) chattered about the end of history and the definitive acquisition of capitalism as an insurmountable horizon.

An experience and a lesson to think deeply about even in Italy, whose political system is blocked and whose disastrous today’s social situation have many analogies with Venezuela prior to the advent of Chavez.

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