Home » in Latina and Pomezia the centre-right wins. At Fiumicino ahead Baccini. Sgarbi mayor of Arpino

in Latina and Pomezia the centre-right wins. At Fiumicino ahead Baccini. Sgarbi mayor of Arpino

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in Latina and Pomezia the centre-right wins.  At Fiumicino ahead Baccini.  Sgarbi mayor of Arpino

Polls closed election at 15, is Counting of ballots has begun for theelection of mayors in the 47 Municipalities of Lazio to vote Sunday 15 and Monday 15 May.


in Anagni four candidates challenged each other: Luca Santovincenzo for the centre-left, Daniele Natalia for the centre-right, then Alessandro Cardinali and Danilo Tuffi. Tuffi, supported by the former regional councilor Franco Fiorito, stopped at 17%. The outgoing mayor Daniele Natalia exceeds 40% and, therefore, will go to ballot with Alessandro Cardinali (25%). He voted the 74.77% of voters (74.08% in the previous round).


In Latina, only two candidates. Damiano Coletta, outgoing mayor who has resigned and is in his fourth candidacy, supported by Latina common good, Pd 5Stelle and For Latina 2023 Colletta mayor. The center-right has lined up instead Matilda Celentano, supported by Forza Italia, Christian Democracy Libertas union of the center, Celentano mayor-fare Latina, Lega per Salvini and Giorgia Meloni FdI. On 9 sections examined out of 116 is in large advantage the Celentano con over 75%. L’opponent Coletta has already congratulated: «I just finished a phone call with my opponent to congratulate her on the result achieved. I wished her good luck: a new phase begins for the city, in which our task will be to form a responsible opposition».
He voted the 58.08% of voters (61.18% in the previous round).


Four candidates at Fiumicino. The dem Ezio Di Genesio Pagliuca, outgoing deputy mayor, represents the center-left coalition. Mario Baccini, president of the national institution for microcredit and former vice president of the Senate, minister and undersecretary of state, will run for the center-right (in 2018 he had been beaten by the current mayor Esterino Montino). For the 5 Star Movement Walter Costanza, former city councilor. And then Claudio Cutolo, a member of the outgoing majority and in the running with the Fiumicino Libera civic list. He voted the 53.37% of voters (previous round 55.51%). With 2 sections scrutinized Baccini is ahead of Fiumicino col 71%.

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Eleonora Napolitano (centre-left), Stefania Padula (M5S), Veronica Felici (centre-right), Giacomo Castro (civic value), Antonio Di Lisa (Italian left). With 2 sections examined out of 52 are ahead of Felici at 51.43%. He voted the 50.88% of voters (previous round 56.23%).

Rock of Pope

Candidates for Rocca di Papa were: Massimiliano Calcagni (center-right and civic), Francesco De Santis (center-left and civic), Veronica Cimino (M5S and civic), Giuseppe Pino Paolone (Strength of the people). He voted the 54.81% of voters (previous round 62.58%).


Among the large municipalities, Velletri was the one with the highest number of candidates for mayor. Center-right and center-left compete with Ascanio Cascella, who has the support of FdI, Lega, Forza Italia and others, and Orlando Pocci, supported by Pd, M5s and other lists. Also on the field: Clorinda Ricci, Roberto Romagnoli, Romano Favetta and Fausto Servadio. With 5 sections examined out of 42 are ahead of Cascella with 42.94%. He voted the 60.95% of voters (previous round 63.49%).

In Valmontone, the first female mayor

«A Valmontonein the province of Rome, the centre-left candidate, Verónica Bernabei becomes the first female mayor of the city, with about 59% of the votes beating the candidate of the Brothers of Italy – so Eleonora Mattia, regional councilor of the Democratic Party, comments satisfied -. We also celebrate important victories in the municipalities of San Cesareowhere Alessandra Sabelli is confirmed as mayor for the center-left, and Sacrofano where Patrizia Nicolini was confirmed, exciting results for the center-left and for the women who have made their skills and their talent count in their respective communities ».

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Sgarbi mayor of Arpino

In Arpino, in the province of Frosinone, Vittorio Sgarbi won. The Undersecretary for Culture received 1,670 preferences, ahead of the other two candidates, Chietini (1,160) and Quadrini (920).


With 58% of the votes Piergianni Fioreletta beat the first round. Behind him Alfonso Musa (28%), Angelica Schietroma (13%) and Fiorini (1%). The victory of Fiorletta (Pd) confirms the leadership of the group headed by the historical leader of the party, Francesco De Angelis and confirms the decline of the former president of the Province, Antonio Pompeo (exponent of the minority wing of the party), a great supporter of the candidate Alfonso Musa.


The mayor of Fiuggi, Alioska Baccarini, who recently completed the privatization of the spa, was confirmed with over 70% of the votes. Excellent personal affirmation for Marilena Tucciarelli (630 votes) outgoing Councilor for Tourism.

The first elected and the other mayors

Il first elected of Lazio it is Marco Bernardi, mayor of Roccagiovine. As a result of the counting of one section on one, from the data of the Interior Ministry, in the Municipality of Roccagiovine, in the province of Rome, Marco Bernardi, from the “Let’s try together” list, is elected mayor. Antonello Rocco De Pierro arrived second on the Italy list of rights. The second elected in Lazio it is instead Joseph Adam Camillo Gerbino in the Municipality of Sabino gatein the province of Rioeti, the smallest town among those voting. Gerbino was elected with 86.3 percent of the votes equal to 95 preferences out of a total of 110 voters. The third mayor elected of Lazio is Paolo De MeisIn the Municipality of Filettinoin the province of Frosinone: it obtained 54.76 percent of the votes, equal to 213 preferences out of a total of 466 voters.

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15 maggio 2023

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