Home » In the Senate, the majority goes under on the Labor Law

In the Senate, the majority goes under on the Labor Law

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In the Senate, the majority goes under on the Labor Law

A clear signal to the government from Come on Italy? A spy of internal difficulties to the party after the death of Silvio Berlusconi? A backlash from the battle, as some whisper, tied to who will be rapporteur of the bill on television rights?

One thing is certain: around 2 pm the government went under in the Senate budget committee on the opinion on the 12 amendments presented on the Labor decree by Senator Paola Mancini (FdI), rapporteur of the measure: on the amendments of the Fratelli d’Italia rapporteur it ends 10 to 10 and therefore they were rejected.

Missing would have been the votes of two senators from Forza Italia.

“It was an accident that shouldn’t have happened, but let’s remedy that too,” minimized the speaker Paola Mancini (FdI). According to reports from FdI exponents, a new opinion from the Mef will now be put to the vote, again in the commission. The
commission should convene again at 3pm.

The oppositions immediately asked for the convening of one group leader in the Senatewhose meeting has been fixed at 14.45.

“Majority on tilt in the budget commission. After announcing ‘the biggest tax wedge cut in history’ they don’t have the numbers in committee to vote on it! Is it because it was by no means the largest wedge cut in history? Or why do they argue about everything?”, So the parent company of Action-Italia Viva tweeted Raffaella Shirt.

“Majority divided and crashed into a wall also in the budget commission in the Senate, where the opinions on the amendments to the labor law were not approved. The absence of the Forza Italia Senators was decisive. Classroom locked. Amateurs on the loose”. So recently on Twitter the Senator Antonio Missionaryeconomic manager of the PD.

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“Forza Italia is in favor of the work decree, there is no political problem, we just arrived late”, minimized the Senator of Forza Italia, Dario Damianiwho together with the Senator Claudius Lotito he was among the two absent from the vote. The senators were truly at a birthday party as they claimed by apologizing to their majority colleagues or, as is more probable, there was political will to give a signal to the government?

Alessio DeGiorgi

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