Home » Israel, magistrate Tarfusser: “His conduct has genocidal aspects, especially not very dissimilar to that of Nazi Germany”

Israel, magistrate Tarfusser: “His conduct has genocidal aspects, especially not very dissimilar to that of Nazi Germany”

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Israel, magistrate Tarfusser: “His conduct has genocidal aspects, especially not very dissimilar to that of Nazi Germany”

Israel’s conduct towards the Palestinians, seen from the outside, has genocidal aspects, not only in statements by some Israeli personalities but also in what we see in the Images. It’s a bit surprising to me that a country that, in some way, has laid the foundations for Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 9 December 1948convention ratified by all for what the Nazi Germanytoday have some not very dissimilar attitudes. I am very cautious in my expressions due to my profession, however, faced with what we see and hear, we are quite stunned.” These are the words spoken into the microphones of One, Nobody, 100Milan (Radio24) yes Cuno Tarfussercurrent deputy attorney general at the Court of Appeal of Milan and for 11 years a judge at the international criminal court in The Hague.

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The magistrate explains: “For a crime to be defined as genocide it is necessary to demonstrate the will of the person acting, which is very difficult to prove. It’s a bit like attempted murder which paradoxically is more difficult to prove than murder. Nor should we confuse a war crime with genocide. The first, once again, is easier to prove, because for genocide you have to get into the heads of those who want to eliminate that ethnic group – he continues – In the Israeli case, however, we are somewhat helped because we hear certain declarations and look at what It happens thanks to modern means of communication. So, I guess today the intention behind a certain type of action is easier to prove than it was in the past“.

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Tarfusser also focuses on the two public hearings called by the International Court of Justice, a body ofHimon theaccusation of ‘genocidal conduct’ that South Africa has made against Israel for what is happening to Gaza: “These hearings have nothing to do with criminal matters. There will be a debate on the request that South Africa has made to the Court. It is a document consisting of 80 pages of extreme interest and which I have read. In the request – he adds – South Africa describes a whole series of conduct by Israel which have a genocidal character, asks the Court to ascertain whether they are such and, in the event of a positive finding, to issue a decision which forces Israel to stop with these conducts”.
The magistrate recalls that neither the International Court of Justice nor the International Criminal Court in The Hague issues execution orders: “Their verdicts, however, contain a very strong political message which is addressed to the State in question”.

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