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Ivet from the series Alo, Alo | Fun

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Ivet from the series Alo, Alo |  Fun

Vicki Michel became famous with the role of the seductress Ivet in the famous series “Hello, Hello”, and today she captivates with her charisma and beauty – look at the photos!

Izvor: Youtube/Screen Clips

The famous Yvette from the popular comedy series “Face, face” she was still remembered for this role, and today she is an actress Viki Mišel is 72 years old and continues to captivate with its beauty and incredible energy.

The first episode of the series was filmed 41 years ago, and Ivet then charmed men with her beauty. This role made her famous, and she is still one of the audience’s favorite actresses. Even in her eighth decade, she is recognizable by her wide smile, and, as she says, she hasn’t changed anything about herself. Many comment that time can’t do anything to her, because she still captivates with her charisma and beauty, and recently she herself spoke about the surgeries.

Izvor: Youtube/ BBC Comedy Greats /screenshot

I’m 72 years old, but I’m 35 in my head.I’ve never done anything to my face, I’m an actress, my face has to move“, she told “The Sun” and revealed what the secret of her good looks is.

“I always take off my makeup and moisturize my face. My mom always told me: ‘Never leave the house without lipstick‘, so I never do that,” admitted the actress, but says that genetics is also responsible for her beauty.

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Thank God for my genes, I’ve never done anything and I’m quite proud of that. I’ve heard that natural facelifts have come out, so I might try that,” said popular Vicki Michelle.


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