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Joko Winterscheidt and Florian Silbereisen ignored the “dream ship” rule for alcohol

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Joko Winterscheidt and Florian Silbereisen ignored the “dream ship” rule for alcohol
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    Joko Winterscheidt plays Florian Silbereisen’s brother Moritz Parger in “The Dream Ship”. Now the entertainer is talking about how much fun the joint ZDF shoot actually was.

    Munich – Florian Silbereisen (42) has been steering the “ZDF dream ship” since 2019. In his first episode as captain, however, the pop star had to struggle with some challenges in his role as Max Parger. Among other things, his chaotic brother Moritz Parger was on board. This is embodied by none other than Joko Winterscheidt (45). In his podcast “Sunset Club”, the entertainer now remembers the shoot – and shares one or two anecdotes.

    Looking for alcohol: Florian Silbereisen and Joko Winterscheids broke the “dream ship” rule

    In the upcoming Easter episode, Joachim Llambi, among others, will be a passenger on the “dream ship”. Joko Winterscheidt’s first appearance, however, was a few years ago. He appeared for the first time in the episode “Antigua” in 2019. “Then we were Max and Moritz Parger. He was the captain, I was the enfant terrible of the family, who happened to be on the ship where he started his service and caused him a lot of trouble,” reports the moderator of his podcast partner Sophie Passmann (30) in ” Sunset Club.”

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    Joko emphasizes directly: “And we had a great time!” One anecdote in particular remains in his memory. “I remember a situation where we were on this ship and there was nothing left to drink. It’s a ship with a lot of older people on it. There was nothing to drink after a certain time,” explains the 45-year-old.

    He and Florian Silbereisen therefore quickly changed the location and went to the room that was actually only intended for ship employees. “And then we basically – Flo, me and a few others from this ‘dream ship’ crew from in front of the camera – found ourselves in this part of the ship where we had no business because there were still drinks there . If you understand what kind of drinks I mean – namely alcohol. And we had a good time there,” says Joko with a laugh and emphasizes: “That bonded us incredibly well.”

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    “Heartfelt, great, good guy”: Joko Winterscheidt raves about Florian Silbereisen

    Florian Silbereisen and Joko Winterscheidt have been friends ever since. “I really, really like Flo. He’s an incredibly warm, great, good guy. “We only really got to know each other on this boat trip,” enthuses the “Joko & Klaas” star about his “Dream Ship” brother. However, the two rarely make appointments together – which is partly due to the pop star’s hard work. “Flo is one of the hard workers in this industry,” assures Joko.

    Joko Winterscheidt plays Florian Silbereisen’s brother Moritz Parger in “The Dream Ship”. Now the entertainer chatted about how fun the joint ZDF shoot actually was. © ZDF / Dirk Bartling & IMAGO / Eventpress

    However, Joko Winterscheidt took extra time for Flori for a very special occasion: he surprised the 42-year-old musician on his hit anniversary. This is how Florian Silbereisen experienced his “hit surprise”: “The most emotional show of my life”. Sources used: Spotify / „Sunset Club“

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