Home » Kepo, what day does May 2 commemorate? Here are 4 National to International Celebrations

Kepo, what day does May 2 commemorate? Here are 4 National to International Celebrations

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Kepo, what day does May 2 commemorate?  Here are 4 National to International Celebrations

KRjogja.com – For those of you who ask whether May 2 is a holiday again, the answer is not certain that you will hold a ceremony to commemorate National Education Day. Not only that, it turns out there are other celebrations that will broaden your knowledge.

In the Gregorian calendar, May 2 2024 falls on Thursday. There are 4 celebrations nationally and internationally.

Instead of being curious, let’s read the explanation below:

1. National Education Day
It is certain that on May 2 in the morning everyone in Indonesia will definitely hold a National Education Day ceremony, especially in the school environment. Based on Presidential Decree Number 316 of 1959 dated 16 December 1959, National Education Day was established because Ki Hadjar Dewantara was a pioneer of education in Indonesia during the colonial period.

Quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture’s website, during the colonial period, Ki Hadjar was known for his courage in opposing the policies of the Dutch East Indies government, especially policies that limited access to education only to children of Dutch descent and gentry.

Because of this critical attitude and resistance, Ki Hadjar was finally exiled to the Netherlands along with two of his colleagues, Ernest Douwes Dekker and Tjipto Mangungkusumo. These three figures are known as the “Triad”.

After returning from the Netherlands, Ki Hadjar then founded the Tamansiswa educational institution (National Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa) on July 3 1922 in Yogyakarta. After Indonesian independence, Ki Hadjar was then appointed Minister of Education and Culture in 1950.

2. World Password Day
You must be familiar with passwords, yes, a password is a series of characters, symbols or words used to secure access to information, as one did when studying for scouts. Usually when camping, scouts have to be able to decipher passwords which are converted into sentences so that problems can be solved.

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3. International Scurvy Awareness Day
International Scurvy Awareness Day is also observed on May 2. Quoting from the National Today page, scurvy was first recorded during the Crusades which lasted from the 11th to the 13th century.

During the long journey, the soldiers often became exhausted and eventually experienced health problems. It wasn’t until the 16th century that scurvy was recognized as a serious disease after around 2 million sailors died from the disease.

Therefore, International Scurvy Awareness Day is celebrated in honor of people who experienced hunger in the past.

4. World Tuna Day

Reporting from the National Today page, tuna is one of the main animals exploited by the fishing industry.

As the world‘s population continues to grow, tuna fishing activities are becoming more intensive, resulting in an increased risk of overexploitation of these animals.

The consequences of overfishing not only threaten tuna populations, but also have negative impacts on other marine animals. So in 2016, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly designated May 2 as World Tuna Day. The aim is to increase public awareness.

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