Home » Kim Kardashian shows psoriasis lesions; what is it and how to treat it

Kim Kardashian shows psoriasis lesions; what is it and how to treat it

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Kim Kardashian shows psoriasis lesions;  what is it and how to treat it

The aim of treatment is to achieve total or partial control of the signs and symptoms of psoriasis. And it is always personalized, because it must correspond to the severity level of each condition. For this purpose, doctors have topical and systemic medications and phototherapy available. Understand each of them:

Topics: These are creams, gels, pastes, lotions, such as keratolytics (reduce the thick layer of skin), corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, etc.

Systemic: medicines for oral or injectable use. Examples are: acitretin, methotrexate, cyclosporine, among others. When the patient does not respond to these medications, there are also immunobiological or biological drugs, such as infliximab and etanercept, etc.

Phototherapy: The technique consists of exposure to ultraviolet A and B radiation (R-UVA and UVB).

At the doctor’s discretion, and depending on the severity of the disease, these practices can be combined or not.

Can it be prevented?

As the disease is genetically determined, it is important that people who are prone to the disease, or already have a defined diagnosis, invest in a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular physical activity, restful sleep, and control of stress levels. All of these attitudes can contain the manifestation or progression of the disease.

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