Home » Kristi Noem, Donald Trump’s potential vice president, admits to killing her dog and sparks controversy

Kristi Noem, Donald Trump’s potential vice president, admits to killing her dog and sparks controversy

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Kristi Noem, Donald Trump’s potential vice president, admits to killing her dog and sparks controversy

In an episode of her memoir to be published on May 7, Kristi Noem, governor of South Dakota, confessed that she had killed her dog, the GuardianFriday April 26. “Cricket was a wirehaired pointer, approximately 14 months old.”said Kristi Noem, explaining that the animal had a “aggressive personality”. When she took her dog pheasant hunting, she became “crazy with excitement, chasing all the birds”. And putting an electric collar on her to try to control her was not enough.

While returning from hunting and stopping to speak with a local family, Donald Trump’s vice-presidential candidate also reported that Cricket jumped out of his truck to go after the family chickens, comparing the animal to a « assassin » : “She would grab one chicken at a time, crunching it to death in one bite, then drop it to attack another. » When Kristi Noem managed to catch the animal, it tried to bite her, she said. She added that she had written a check to the family “for the asking price and helped them dispose of the carcasses that littered the crime scene”. Kristi Noem then took the dog to a gravel pit, grabbed her gun, and killed the animal: “It wasn’t pleasant work, but it had to be done. And once it was over, I realized I had to do another unpleasant job.

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Kristi Noem also killed a goat

However, this is not the only animal that Kristi Noem has killed. Indeed, still in his book No Going Back : The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward (No Turning Back: The Truth About What’s Wrong in Politics and How We Move America Forward), she said she also killed a goat ” wicked “ which had a smell “disgusting and rancid”. She explained that she had tried twice to eliminate the animal that was attacking the children.

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These extracts from Kristi Noem’s book have sparked the ire of political opponents. Tommy Vietor, former spokesperson for Barack Obama, even compared her to Jeffrey Dahmer, an American serial killer. Rick Wilson, a Republican founder of the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump group, called Kristi Noem a “deliberately cruel”. On X, Kristi Noem defended herself: “Decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. »

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