Home » League 1 Results – Marked by Two Spectacular Free Kick Goals, Barito Putera Keeps Top 4 Chance After Defeating PSM

League 1 Results – Marked by Two Spectacular Free Kick Goals, Barito Putera Keeps Top 4 Chance After Defeating PSM

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League 1 Results – Marked by Two Spectacular Free Kick Goals, Barito Putera Keeps Top 4 Chance After Defeating PSM

Barito Putera

Renan Alves celebrates after scoring Barito Putera’s equalizing goal against PSM Makassar in the 29th week of Liga 1 2023/2024 at the Sultan Agung Stadium, Bantul, Friday (15/3/2024)

BOLASPORT.COM – Barito Putera successfully beat PSM Makassar with a score of 3-1 in the 29th week of Liga 1 2023/2024 at the Sultan Agung Stadium, Bantul, Friday (15/3/2024). This result made the team nicknamed Laskar Antasari maintain its chance of getting a ticket to the Championship Series.

Victor Mansaray actually succeeded in giving PSM Makassar the lead in the 15th minute.

However, assistant referee 1 has already raised the flag offside first, so the goal is disallowed.

PSM Makassar was awarded a penalty in the 21st minute after Renan Alves tackled Victor Mansaray in the penalty box.

Barito Putera players protested strongly against this decision, because they were deemed to have touched the ball first before Victor Mansaray fell.

Kenzo Nambu, who was the executor, successfully opened PSM Makassar’s lead in the 24th minute.

Score 0-1 for PSM Makassar’s advantage.

The hosts did not want to let PSM Makassar take the lead for long.

Also Read: League 1 Results – Colored by Own Goals, PSM Successfully Silenced PSS

Barito Putera succeeded in equalizing the score in spectacular fashion.




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