Home » “Let’s Dance” candidate Gabriel Kelly in love: SHE is his girlfriend!

“Let’s Dance” candidate Gabriel Kelly in love: SHE is his girlfriend!

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“Let’s Dance” candidate Gabriel Kelly in love: SHE is his girlfriend!

One thing is certain: Ever since Kelly offspring Gabriel Kelly defended his role as favorite every Friday as a participant in “Let’s Dance,” the whole of Germany has had him on the radar. The 22-year-old is not only young, but talented, charming, ambitious, easy-going and humorous. Yes, dear girls, unfortunately he is also taken…

Leoni Miller has been the woman at Gabriel Kelly’s side for several years. Leonie who? The beautiful blonde is not entirely unknown, because Leoni’s roots lie in the musical Miller family, which is known in the folk genre and, like the “Kelly Family”, traveled through the country by bus. Gabriel Kelly, also a musician, repeatedly shows insights into their shared love on his Instagram account.

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Leonie Miller: This is how Gabriel Kelly’s girlfriend lives

Leoni lives with her family in Mecklenburg, while Gabriel lives in Warnemünde, about 110 kilometers away. But the distance doesn’t matter to both of them. Gabriel likes to share snapshots of himself and Leoni to let his fans share in their happiness together. Incidentally, Leonie was also one of the main reasons for his participation in the dance show: “We’ve been together for a few years and she’s a super, super great dancer and I can’t dance at all,” he admits in an interview with RTL.

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Leonie and Gabriel have a lot in common. Among other things, she was born with music: she sings, plays the violin and accordion and tours the country with her dad.

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